Kim Mendellson of Kim & Co


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Jan 18, 2012
I have to get this off my chest, does Kim of Kim & Co actually talk like that in real life? She sings her words and runs the words into each other and at 12:00 launch show she was squeaking like a guinea pig and giggling like a 2 year old (is she a 2 year old guinea-pig?!). A 2 hour show listening to her would be like chinese water torture!

See, now I feel bad but relieved to have said it!
I can't watch her shows speckledhen...her voice and non-stop (literally non-stop) chatter does my head in! Combined with the constant stroking of the garments too, i feel exhausted and angry at the same time.

Give me the calm monotone of Kelly Hoppen every time! I think I may be in the minority here :whew:
Oh No, if she has I'm going to feel soooo awful.... knew I should have kept that one to myself!
No, I dont think she has a stammer, because I met her once at a fashion day and she was in conversation with those around her quite normally - no trace of her usual hysterical chatter. I think she is quite shy, so may have a dram or two for dutch courage to get her through, and then over does it more often than not !!!!!
I know I might be in the serious minority here but I like her accent!! I admit the giggling does get annoying as does when she speeds up but I much prefer her to quite a lot of other guests and presenters (clothes are rubbish though!!)
I`m sure its nerves as she can`t keep still either rocking backwards and forwards onto her toes. I`m sure she is aware of it a she made some kind of comment alluding to it last night and at 10am kathy said something about letting her get on as after introducing her Kim couldn`t shut up and some of wht she said didn`t even make sense. I`m sure the presenters are well aware of it ...good job Kim is a nice person because she could be considered a loose cannon. wonder if the producer ever says anything into her ear piece to stop her rabbiting a way I feel sorry for her
Kathy joked something along the lines of Kim I don't need to wind you up Kim, I'll just let you go instead.

:mysmilie_85: :mysmilie_850:
I think it's nerves & I also think her squeak depends on the presenter

I'll give her this, she knows everything about her product - size, colour, features etc
I'll give her this, she knows everything about her product - size, colour, features etc

I find it really impressive when she reels off the model's names and stats.. she knows her stuff!
I think it's nerves & I also think her squeak depends on the presenter

I'll give her this, she knows everything about her product - size, colour, features etc

Most certainly she is always spot on with everything, think she's a perfectionist, never ever a complaint she's tried or not feeling well after a long flight or TSV launch.
The advert with Bea her assistant says something along the lines, she isn't easy to work for, but she's fair.
blimey - how many years has she been doing this? and she still gets nerves? what doesn't fit with that is she's worse now than she was years ago.
The giggle gets on my wick. Especially if she's giggling off screen. It's very disconcerting.

But I agree with Minim. You cannot knock the bird for her product knowledge. She knows all the colours, the sizes and often reels off the item numbers of other things like that ruddy cummerbund off the top of her giddy little head.

I have one of her dresses and it's fab. It's a hot pick today. The crepe sleeveless dress. I've had it for a couple of years I think and wear it to work regularly. It's a real staple of my work wardrobe. Fortunately wearing it doesn't make giggle like a demented dolly and jabber at 90 miles an hour.
It's not that I don't like her as a person, and her knowledge on her products is impressive, its just the sing-talking, squeaking and baby-giggling I cannot tolerate - but she has a good following and I am probably in the minority. I only have two hates on QVC and her presentation style is one of them and I avoid her shows.
blimey - how many years has she been doing this? and she still gets nerves? what doesn't fit with that is she's worse now than she was years ago.

You can hide nerves but I don`t think you ever conquer them especially if shyness is involved thats why she giggles so much and makes all these sighs and funny noises she`s just hiding behind them and thats why she gallops on at 40 miles an hour
Kim has just been on again with JR. The giggling was non stop. Surely it can't be nerves after all these years on the TV. I personally think she's laughing at the models when they come out in stupid hats and fascinators. She talks utter b*llocks for the whole show, like a really old fashioned flowery print is going to be the buzz word on the catwalks in the coming season. Oh yer right, of course it is. I'd better order one then Kim and I'll be 'on trend' for the spring/summer. Is anyone gullible enough to be taken in by her?
I know I've taken the proverbial out "Mad Eye Mendleson" from time to time, but apart from the hyper-giggling she's not that bad and always pleasant. I've said a few times that I'm sure she has some kind problem, if you watch her carefully there are times when you can see her fighting to control it - mind you it could be alcohol effects?

She's definitely preferable to some of the presenters, especially "Iggy" :giggle:
She is a nightmare as a presenter.Whatever the reason(s) are they should be 'cured' by now.I would think that more of these guests/ presenters who are on quite frequently would watch recordings of themselves so they could recognise annoying traits & do something about them.It's OK having some individuality but KM drives a lot of people to hit the mute or OFF buttons.Not good for business?

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