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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

When I had colon cancer 5 years ago I went painfully thin after the operation ( I lost  my whole colon). I could not believe how old I looked, having always been a BMI of about 22/23 ( so not  skinny.) since then I have had to change my whole diet to accommodate the fact I now have a J-pouch . I put  on 20lbs in 3 years and have now hit the menopause - I CANNOT shift this bliddy  spare tyre! I have always been an active person, go to the gym, do body pump and mix uo the other excercise such as running machine, bike, cross trainer etc. to no avail. My BP, blood glucose etc are normal and my specialist and GP have told me to not worry ( despite a BMI of 29!) but I HATE being a size 16 at 5ft 5 :(

Some here would look at me and think 'obese'

I counter this with my sheer gratitude at being alive , 5 years post cancer  and no longer having a temperamental loop ileostomy! I have to say my skin is very good- maybe the sub-cut fat hides any wrinkles lol!

Weight sure is an emotive subject however!

I love Julia and admire the way she carries on working despite her illness and treatment. I CANNOT stand Jill ( or craig) but they seem to dominate the shows more and more!
