Julia Has An 'Alan Partridge' Moment!


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Apr 30, 2010
I nearly p*ssed myself laughing the other week watching a recorded, (yes.....sad I know), Lola Rose show with Nicky and Catherine the model. Julia came out with a couple of classics, how Nicky didn't slap her round the chops is anyone's guess.

On referring to Nicky reading out the details of a particular on-screen item, Julia commented, "It's not that difficult, you've been able to do it."


If that wasn't bad enough, Julia then went onto describe herself as a "rose between two thorns", referring to Nicky and Catherine.

WTF is this woman on??? I can't believe they pay her to spout this cringeworthy drivel!

Love Becky xxx
I read this as I love Alan Partridge and thought she had quoted him or something!

I obviously haven't seen the video clip you're talking about, but I should imagine in was all done in jest! The Lola Rose shows are always very laid back and light-hearted (as are Elemis) as the guests are that way, no matter who is presenting. I think a lot of what the presenters say is tongue in cheek - apart from some of the airheads who haven't got the intelligence to be sarcastic!!
I nearly p*ssed myself laughing the other week watching a recorded, (yes.....sad I know), Lola Rose show with Nicky and Catherine the model. Julia came out with a couple of classics, how Nicky didn't slap her round the chops is anyone's guess.

On referring to Nicky reading out the details of a particular on-screen item, Julia commented, "It's not that difficult, you've been able to do it."


If that wasn't bad enough, Julia then went onto describe herself as a "rose between two thorns", referring to Nicky and Catherine.

WTF is this woman on??? I can't believe they pay her to spout this cringeworthy drivel!

Love Becky xxx

A sense of humour maybe?
I doubt Julia Roberts' ego would understand the term 'sense of humour'. The phrases were so bizarre and out of context that it didn't seem to be in jest. xxx
The problem with Julia's humour is that it is always at someone else's expense. She might be considered funny if she truly made a funny statement. The Lola guest is very gentle, and the model in question if I am thinking right is gentle too. Not exactly thorns!
Exactly, it was pretty 'leftfield' in all sense of the word. I'd imagine it coming from Alison Young in a tongue-in-cheek moment between her and Lulu but Nicky and Catherine looked somewhat bemused to say the least.

I might add that most of the threads on here slate JR's ego etc yet when I come on to substantiate the claim, (as a relative newbie) a couple of posters seem to think JR was just attempting to be 'funny' rather than agreeing with what has been said countless times before about her talking utter rubbish. Hmmm..... xxx
Exactly, it was pretty 'leftfield' in all sense of the word. I'd imagine it coming from Alison Young in a tongue-in-cheek moment between her and Lulu but Nicky and Catherine looked somewhat bemused to say the least.

I might add that most of the threads on here slate JR's ego etc yet when I come on to substantiate the claim, (as a relative newbie) a couple of posters seem to think JR was just attempting to be 'funny' rather than agreeing with what has been said countless times before about her talking utter rubbish. Hmmm.....

Please don't feel singled out as a newbie.Yes these JR bashing threads have been going on for years and the same old same old is dragged up time after time but I can't understand why you think that only posters who agree with you can comment on this thread?
Exactly, it was pretty 'leftfield' in all sense of the word. I'd imagine it coming from Alison Young in a tongue-in-cheek moment between her and Lulu but Nicky and Catherine looked somewhat bemused to say the least.

I might add that most of the threads on here slate JR's ego etc yet when I come on to substantiate the claim, (as a relative newbie) a couple of posters seem to think JR was just attempting to be 'funny' rather than agreeing with what has been said countless times before about her talking utter rubbish. Hmmm..... xxx

I think it's just a case of different opinions and outlooks. There is a new thread here somewhere where the op thought Ann Dawson was being bitchy but everyone else thought it was ok. I personally didn't take what you posted to be anything other than JR's normal sense of humour. But I like JR and AY whereas many hate them. Like I said, difference of opinion and way of looking at things. It happens a lot on public forums :p Welcome by the way :D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I don't for one moment think that only people who agree with my post should comment on it BUT JR is known for her bizarre and slightly narcissistic attitude throughout her tenure at QVC. This forum is filled with anecdotes concerning her egotistical behaviour. Therefore, it came as a complete surprise that people who've been known to slag her and others off thought it was just her "sense of humour". I know for a fact that if I'd been a guest on the show I'd pull her up in jest about just committing an 'Alan Partridge' style faux pas.

On the flipside, I really don't know how she gets away with it? Humour like that is usually reserved for those whom you know REALLY well so why the guests put up with is is beyond me. I just find it very incongruous. xxx
I don't for one moment think that only people who agree with my post should comment on it BUT JR is known for her bizarre and slightly narcissistic attitude throughout her tenure at QVC. This forum is filled with anecdotes concerning her egotistical behaviour. Therefore, it came as a complete surprise that people who've been known to slag her and others off thought it was just her "sense of humour". I know for a fact that if I'd been a guest on the show I'd pull her up in jest about just committing an 'Alan Partridge' style faux pas.

On the flipside, I really don't know how she gets away with it? Humour like that is usually reserved for those whom you know REALLY well so why the guests put up with is is beyond me. I just find it very incongruous. xxx

Like every presenter JR has her faults but what you see as mind blowingly funny and making you wet your pants ie calling herself a rose between two thorns or picking her up on a remark she made just doesn't seem worth mentioning to others.
Lol, I think this is all getting a bit 'lost in translation' here. I don't for a second think that what JR said was remotely funny, I was merely laughing at how cringe-worthy the whole episode was. In fact most of the QVC presenters are pretty dire in all honesty! xxx
Lol, I think this is all getting a bit 'lost in translation' here. I don't for a second think that what JR said was remotely funny, I was merely laughing at how cringe-worthy the whole episode was. In fact most of the QVC presenters are pretty dire in all honesty! xxx

My mistake then, when you said you nearly peed yourself laughing I thought you meant it was funny. I apologise.
I must have mis-read too, so apologies from me if I jumped on the wrong bandwagon. It did come across as Julia being a b*tch rather than just the whole cheesy style of presenting.

However, I will give you cringe-worthy for sure! Anthony in particular always used to put me in mind of Alan Partridge, that's why I liked him so much! Wish he'd come back :sad: Simon B always makes me cringe :cheeky:
I don't for one moment think that only people who agree with my post should comment on it BUT JR is known for her bizarre and slightly narcissistic attitude throughout her tenure at QVC. This forum is filled with anecdotes concerning her egotistical behaviour. Therefore, it came as a complete surprise that people who've been known to slag her and others off thought it was just her "sense of humour". I know for a fact that if I'd been a guest on the show I'd pull her up in jest about just committing an 'Alan Partridge' style faux pas.

On the flipside, I really don't know how she gets away with it? Humour like that is usually reserved for those whom you know REALLY well so why the guests put up with is is beyond me. I just find it very incongruous. xxx

Stick around. You'll soon realise how inconsistent we are. As for me, I'll happily slag her off, and then defend her to the hilt. Because i like her but still see her faults.
Well if you think Julia spouts 'cringeworthy drivel' you should listen to what some of the other presenters come out with. I doubt either Catherine or Nicky would have lost any sleep over it.

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