Maybe you could buy some Dr Cringles from the wholesaler and sell them to Bid using the same pitch that they use:
ST member: "Hello. May I speak to the Sit-Up fashion buyer?"
Sit-Up buyer: "Yes. Speaking."
ST member: "I have 500 pairs of Dr Cringles comfort shoes for sale. Designed by a real doctor."
Sit-Up buyer: "Sorry, we aren't looking to buy footwear at the moment'"
ST member: "Well, at the price I'm about to offer, you could stockpile them for the future, or even give them away as gifts. These shoes cost me an absolute fortune, but since I'm having a warehouse clearance, I'll let you have them for a price that is a better buy to you than it was to me. It's a better buy to you than I could ever mention."
Sit-Up buyer: "What is the price?"
ST member: "The price is 2.99"
Sit-Up buyer: "2.99? That sounds pretty good. I may take you up on this offer."
ST member: "There is also 7.99 P&P for each pair. Oh, and by the way, you will be charged 1.53 for this phone call."
Sit-Up buyer: "No thanks."
ST member: "JUST BUY!"
Sit-Up buyer: "No."
ST member: "These are genuine Dr Cringles. Not only style, not only comfort. Goodluckifyougetit."
Sit-Up buyer: "I don't want it."
ST member: "My grandmother ended up in wheelchair because she wore uncomfortable shoes. How can you sleep at night knowing that your grandmother isn't wearing Dr Cringles? I'm going to put a 2 minute clock on this. GO!GO!GO!"
Sit-Up buyer: "OK. I'm going. Goodbye."