JF on Kim & Co show tonight


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Jan 26, 2012
Watching Kim & Co show and JF is on with Kim. OMG, someone please give that woman a burger or something - she looks like a stick insect sitting there
I think I must be sickening for something because I actually quite like some of giggling Kim's offerings tonight. Might go to bed and see if I can sleep it off!
Watching Kim & Co show and JF is on with Kim. OMG, someone please give that woman a burger or something - she looks like a stick insect sitting there
Did you see her on that 'excercise tsv' earlier in the week? She was wearing tights and a skinny top with training shoes and she looked bluddy ridiculous she is emaciated and obviously under nourished in my opinion. Not a good advert for selling clothes of any kind as she looks so awful.
Not going to comment weight, looks etc.
Only to say I can't understand why Jill being so much into her fitness as she says, does not appear to do something regarding her posture. :sad:
Not going to comment weight, looks etc.
Only to say I can't understand why Jill being so much into her fitness as she says, does not appear to do something regarding her posture. :sad:

As she has said ad nauseum she has scoliosis. This may mean she is doing her best but can't be quite perfect in the posture department. I do think she looked very oddly proportioned during the tsv launch and if I were on display and thin enough to get away with it I'd have worn colour rather than all black. Maybe the product people wanted her to wear all black but it was miserable looking (and I'm still Goth at heart).
I found it hard to watch her on the exercise hour but was thinking she is probably closer to her ideal weight than I am. We are so used to seeing overweight people now that "normal" people look too thin.
The only time I was ever close to my ideal weight was after a mega-diet aged 19. I looked hideous, everyone thought I was anorexic, and I still had half a stone to go.

Ideal isn't always ideal.
As she has said ad nauseum she has scoliosis. This may mean she is doing her best but can't be quite perfect in the posture department. I do think she looked very oddly proportioned during the tsv launch and if I were on display and thin enough to get away with it I'd have worn colour rather than all black. Maybe the product people wanted her to wear all black but it was miserable looking (and I'm still Goth at heart).

So sorry about that I had no idea, have never heard her refer to it.:blush:
If she looks that under-nourished on screen, she is probably a lot lot leaner in real life, as television usually puts around 10lbs on a person. So beware ........... if you ever find yourself on the box !!!!!!!
The only time I was ever close to my ideal weight was after a mega-diet aged 19. I looked hideous, everyone thought I was anorexic, and I still had half a stone to go.

Ideal isn't always ideal.

Totally agree WW told me I should be 8 stone and my Doc said my body was happy at 12 and it suited me. Personally I would always prefer to be bigger than smaller if only to have a defence system for illness. I worry about very frail little people getting sick and not having anything to fight with.

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