Jackie made a joke


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Jul 23, 2018
Brandizzo, Italy
Usually, Jackie's jokes are not worth listening to, but this evening one
struck me as particularly funny. Ruth was describing her yoga trousers. Jackie piped up, "Oh, I thought you said yokel trousers
No response from Ruth who charged ahead. Obviously, she thought the comment lowered the tone of the trousers. Haw, haw, haw from me. Another point, seeing that Ruth is so 'hands on', she should have brought the steamer out and steamed the jumpers since they were all creased up from the packing box. I'll let her off this time because she. looked very tired.


raise a smile from me. But whe she described
Jackie is accidentally funny a lot of the time as her mouth sets off without the brain! Maybe a symptom of her finding what she does is boring?
I started watching this evening, but had to give up. I muted first... and just looking at Ruth in her jumper with jeans noticed how thin the jumper she was wearing must be, as the part over the jeans looked darker.
The price of a rather nasty-looking (imo) 2 in 1 satin shirt jumper... Almost £63 with postage!!
Even when I need lighter (thinner) knitwear, I balk at paying Ruth's prices...
Ruth tends to favour wearing this 'dated' look of stiletto boots tight trousers/leggings and a jumper that fits too tight around the hips - oh and the sleeves pushed up - ( "design" a ****** 3/4 sleeve one then). Even her casual stuff is too rigidly formal for me.
Ruth tends to favour wearing this 'dated' look of stiletto boots tight trousers/leggings and a jumper that fits too tight around the hips - oh and the sleeves pushed up - ( "design" a ****** 3/4 sleeve one then). Even her casual stuff is too rigidly formal for me.
Ben di Lisi's styles are the same, imo, but he's better to look at than Ruth.
I have to come clean and declare that I enjoy the Jackie & Ruth shows ! I’m never going to buy any of “her range” but their chatter is quite comforting as background. (I have depression, quite bad at the mo, so I’ll accept every bit of light relief !)
It's a double act I enjoy too. Ruth is very professional and assured in the studio and reins in Jackie's excesses, imo. The clothes are grossly overpriced for the quality, also just my opinion.
I have to come clean and declare that I enjoy the Jackie & Ruth shows ! I’m never going to buy any of “her range” but their chatter is quite comforting as background. (I have depression, quite bad at the mo, so I’ll accept every bit of light relief !)
I’m really sorry you battle depression and in a bad patch at the moment, I do hope you’re trying to take care of yourself and getting help if you want or need it?

No shame in watching or finding comfort in Ruth and Jackie shows!
Sure plenty of people do! (Just not on this forum it seems!)

Since I know longer have access to QVC through my TV, I don’t miss the shopping or anything at all, but I do miss the slight feeling of company I got from watching - more like “having on” - TSV launches late at night when I’m always up.

Take care x
I have to come clean and declare that I enjoy the Jackie & Ruth shows ! I’m never going to buy any of “her range” but their chatter is quite comforting as background. (I have depression, quite bad at the mo, so I’ll accept every bit of light relief !)
Whatever helps, EM. Their chattering is always light hearted. It can take you out of yourself for a while. Strictly is another programme that can lift you up a bit, imo.
Depression is a horrible beast to carry through life, even milder forms can sap your energy and zest for life. More severe forms can be even more debilitating... and you can't easily see a way out of it. As much as possible we all have to be kinder to ourselves, and sometimes self-care and kindness comes in the form of watching QVC presenters. Stay strong EM, and enjoy Ruth and Jackie when they're on!
I know I’ve posted this before, a good friend sent it to me a few years ago.
I have to come clean and declare that I enjoy the Jackie & Ruth shows ! I’m never going to buy any of “her range” but their chatter is quite comforting as background. (I have depression, quite bad at the mo, so I’ll accept every bit of light relief !)
Me too, I really enjoy watching the two of them together, no, I wouldn't buy any of the clothes 'cause there's nothing I'm lacking in my wardrobe at the moment, and secondly they're way too expensive for what they are - but yes, good comforting light relief, they're extremely watchable!
Anne eliminated the notion of 'good, comforting, light relief' from Jackie and Ruth last night. She was frenetic! Interrupting, practically shouting, full of ingratiating, over used comments about the clothes. No wonder Ruth said, "Phfew" at the end of the first hour. I couldn't stomach Anne for the second segment, so turned over to Bake Off. The contestants gave the Halloween cakes their all, but how messy were the results!
Anne eliminated the notion of 'good, comforting, light relief' from Jackie and Ruth last night. She was frenetic! Interrupting, practically shouting, full of ingratiating, over used comments about the clothes. No wonder Ruth said, "Phfew" at the end of the first hour. I couldn't stomach Anne for the second segment, so turned over to Bake Off. The contestants gave the Halloween cakes their all, but how messy were the results!
I have a real soft spot for Sandro 😊
Me too, I really enjoy watching the two of them together, no, I wouldn't buy any of the clothes 'cause there's nothing I'm lacking in my wardrobe at the moment, and secondly they're way too expensive for what they are - but yes, good comforting light relief, they're extremely watchable!

Anne eliminated the notion of 'good, comforting, light relief' from Jackie and Ruth last night. She was frenetic! Interrupting, practically shouting, full of ingratiating, over used comments about the clothes. No wonder Ruth said, "Phfew" at the end of the first hour. I couldn't stomach Anne for the second segment, so turned over to Bake Off. The contestants gave the Halloween cakes their all, but how messy were the results!
Wasn't she awful! Really rude actually, you'd think the directors/producers would have a word in the break. Ruth, to give her credit, was very gracious about it.
Wasn't she awful! Really rude actually, you'd think the directors/producers would have a word in the break. Ruth, to give her credit, was very gracious about it.
Ruth was gracious, I agree, but I bet she was seething underneath. However, if the clothes were selling well, I don't think the producers/directors give a rat's arse about Anne's rude behavior. But, maybe if Ruth said something, it might carry some weight.

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