Is that Susie Adams ?


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Different hairstyle but other than that he looked the same to me. Tanned very dark though, looked like she'd been dipped in gravy browning.
She's on now, flogging a £130 duvet cover! She's changed her style AGAIN! Seems like she's gone for a Parisian haircut - which doesn't look too bad, actually. She is such a strange woman. Since when has being able to stand a pillow on its end been a key factor in making a purchase?
she must earn a fortune in commission from NN then to afford all that stuff LoL

NN is a Q's own brand.

But I'd love to know how these 'guests' are paid - whether its just a set fee from the agency they work for - like Susie who only presents NN and Marie-Francois for Kipling, or whether there's an arrangement with Q for the likes of Carla Lazlo and Jill Gaunt who cover lots of brands.

(Pssst ...... is Jill Gaunt pregnant ? or just piled the weight on ? On the TSV opening last night she looked top heavy and her tum was quite expansive )
NN is a Q's own brand.

But I'd love to know how these 'guests' are paid - whether its just a set fee from the agency they work for - like Susie who only presents NN and Marie-Francois for Kipling, or whether there's an arrangement with Q for the likes of Carla Lazlo and Jill Gaunt who cover lots of brands.

(Pssst ...... is Jill Gaunt pregnant ? or just piled the weight on ? On the TSV opening last night she looked top heavy and her tum was quite expansive )

I can't see she is pregnant as she has said in the past she is in her 50's so I guessing it is probably just 'middle age spread', though there are few putting on weight, JR is another (must be all the 'food shows' that Q have been doing, I mean those 'freebies' have to be eaten by someone and lets face it no matter how strong-willed one is, if there are going to be 'freebies' at work it would be 'rude' not to partake would it not :mysmilie_5:

I have mentioned that before on another posting about how they are 'paid' as there are a few who are not from a company directly, but are the 'go-to' people with regards to brands Carla Loranzo does fashion, Jill Gauntlet does, Gabby Bradshow, Anne Dorrington does various, Rosa et all does Yankee, tech section, the list goes one, I have a feeling that they are probably 'paid' each time they work for a set fee. I mean most will have other jobs as well, so they probably wont rely solely on their Q gigs. They are probably part of the so-called 'gig-economy' (though of course they will get more than the 'average gig worker'!
I can't see she is pregnant as she has said in the past she is in her 50's so I guessing it is probably just 'middle age spread', though there are few putting on weight, JR is another (must be all the 'food shows' that Q have been doing, I mean those 'freebies' have to be eaten by someone

How can you say such a thing? We all know dear Julia Roberts is a size small! :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17:
Did you know Suzy Adams takes her own bedding when she goes to stay in a hotel? Well that's what she said not too long ago. Sorry Suzy - don't believe you! Like she's going to be traipsing around with her foam topper, pillows and duvet? Imagine her crossing Terminal 5 at Heathrow, stroking her pillows, then hyperventilating as she realises she's only brought her 800 thread count sheets, then she goes into meltdown as she forgot her cowgirl line-dancing jacket.
Actually, Julius I knew someone that did take their own pillows everywhere they went. They shrunk them down in those airtight bags that you hoover all the air out of. Took them abroad all the time. I can see the point, hotel pillows are awful.

Actually, Julius I knew someone that did take their own pillows everywhere they went. They shrunk them down in those airtight bags that you hoover all the air out of. Took them abroad all the time. I can see the point, hotel pillows are awful.


Hmm, perhaps, however if I were to take my memory foam pilllow (which is very heavy) I wouldn't be able to take much else with the miserable Ryanair baggage allowance. Most of the time when I travel I stay in one of my other homes anyway so it's not really an issue as everything is there.

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