:wave: dogwood, another :mysmilie_357: from me too.
If you have read the posts in the other thread, you and Nick will see that there are many posts there in support.
Many of us have gone through weight problems and we do understand how difficult it is to lose weight. He has nothing to feel ashamed or upset about anything.
In fact he has our admiration for doing something about his weight. I hope he is getting over his illness.
Once he reaches the weight he wants, it will help if joins one of the slimming clubs, they are very supportive and going to one will help him to keep maintain the weight loss.
Many dieters will agree with me that weight creeps back up before we realise. I hope he does not take my tip in the wrong way, no offence intended:bear:
No one has said anything negative about his job, so please ask him to continue with is job with QVC, and tell him,whenever he is on, to think that there are many supporting him.
Maybe it will do him good to join us.