Hours & Hours of Richard Jackson


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Sep 29, 2013
Has anyone else seen the scheduling for Sunday? We have Richard Jackson on at midnight till 2am for the TSV launch. Then he's on repeat 4-5am and again 7-9am. But worse still from 9am we have 3 wonderful hours of the blasted man. I really cannot believe this terrible scheduling. That will be me turning off for the whole morning. Hope its nice weather so I can get out in my own flaming garden. Who on earth is responsible for this though? We have in effect 5 hours of ****** gardening from 7am till 12.00 noon. Heads should roll. PS I really love my gardening and like gardening shows on TV generally just cannot tolerate this sort of overkill!!!!
Careful all his followers will be on bleating about people moaning about him, i watch it in case there is anything i fancy otherwise he would be the last person i would watch.
To be fair I don't mind if it is jewellery all day, I suppose if you like Richard Jackson you will enjoy it. I don't want on Sundays anymore but when I did I didn't used to like Sundays much because it was usually boring DIY or electrical stuff or gardening. I suppose the gardening stuff must be popular and revenue generating. But all day ?????
At least if it's a beauty or jewellery day it is different brands and guests, but when it's gardening shows he's always there for hooouuurrrrssss and hoooooouuurrrssss and hoouuurrrrssssss.
Hours & Hours of Richard Jackson

I run for the off button as soon as I see his smarmy smile. I reckon he must have shares in qvc...Note to self no QVC until after noon on sunday.lol
I'm glad someone else has spotted this as I tend to find I moan a lot about it :) I think it's the same as any all-day show, it's just a cop out to make their programming day easier. We've had so much of this across the last few weekends, are we due to have to put up with this all season? I don't currently have a garden, but I'd imagine that on a lovely day, as we have today and hopefully will have over the weekend, you'd rather be out in the garden getting your hands dirty than sat indoors watching him with his hands shoved in his pockets! Actually, this isn't even really about RJ himself, it's more to do with QVC's utter lack of imagination when it comes to programmes and products.

I remember the days when I'd actually arrange time off work or change my daily routine so that I could catch a show or products that I like. With so little on offer now, I've not had to do that in years. Everything they do is old hat now. I find less and less reason to even put QVC on, even as background noise.
Careful all his followers will be on bleating about people moaning about him, i watch it in case there is anything i fancy otherwise he would be the last person i would watch.

What do you mean careful? I was just voicing an opinion which is what I thought this forum was for! I will say what I like and if people don't like it tough!! It is just my own personal thoughts and views, I don't have to be 'careful' for anyone.
I don't watch many gardening shows so don't really have an opinion either way about RJ.

However I totally agree about the overkill although it is often the same with any TSV, Kipling can be on for hours.

I despair when it is a beauty weekend when the entire schedule is given over to it. If it was once a year ok but it seems to be every other weekend.

But it takes all tastes so I just don't watch very much now.

A huge rethink of the schedule and range of products are long overdue.
Has anyone else seen the scheduling for Sunday? We have Richard Jackson on at midnight till 2am for the TSV launch. Then he's on repeat 4-5am and again 7-9am. But worse still from 9am we have 3 wonderful hours of the blasted man. I really cannot believe this terrible scheduling. That will be me turning off for the whole morning. Hope its nice weather so I can get out in my own flaming garden. Who on earth is responsible for this though? We have in effect 5 hours of ****** gardening from 7am till 12.00 noon. Heads should roll. PS I really love my gardening and like gardening shows on TV generally just cannot tolerate this sort of overkill!!!!

Lol that made me chuckle :happy:! I must admit I turn over, he definitely gets to me a bit lol! I've saved up the 2nd half of Blacklist to watch in one go so guess that will be Sunday then :mysmilie_378:
whitesnake don't get on your high horse i was actually agreeing with you you can moan about him as much as you like:cool:
I must admit I am loving gardening at home at the moment and my automatic reaction used to be ...bboorrinnggggg ....it still is to a certain degree but I'm more likely to have a quick gander for ten minutes ....that would have been unheard of for me before :mysmilie_17:....I'm finding gardening a real calmer ....my doggie had a funny turn the other week ....( possibly her age but tank goodness loads better now) and I was in a right old state ...I got a trowel out and started weeding just to focus on something else and calm my self down ...and it worked .....it really did so now ..I'm not exactly charlie dim mock but i understand totally why people love their gardens :cool::mysmilie_59:
And there's still more to come - he's on AGAIN with another TSV next weekend because of the Chelsea flower show!! It'll still be the same old flower power, solar lights and wind spinners!
whitesnake don't get on your high horse i was actually agreeing with you you can moan about him as much as you like:cool:

Sorry Mossie269. I was very harsh and narky with you which was uncalled for. I'd had a bad day at work. Looking back I did sound extremely bolshy. I am a bit embarrassed now actually. x
I didn't think you were bolshy (by my standards anyway, which can be the height of bolsh). You made a valid point - freedom of speech rules ok. But gracious of you to apologise.

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