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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

What really gets to you is the deceit, the 'glossing over' and deliberate ignoring of reality.   It's the same as with a brand-new car that decreases in value as you drive off the dealer's forecourt - anyone who knows anything about jewellery (or works in insurance) can tell you that, barring exceptional circumstances, jewellery is almost never an investment in the short term - and may not be an investment in the long term, either.  But although I'm the first to joke about it, their continual harping on 'heritage' and handing things on through the family is so out of order, for the simple reason that many people will place reliance on what is told to them by those who present as being 'in the know'.  The fact that these people are not 'in the know' never occurs to some of their audience, because presenters are adept at being convincing.

In reality, the presenters know nothing whatsoever about what will happen in the future and are not professional financial advisers, so they should be keeping their mouths tightly shut on the subject.  Unless it's something rare that you have the good luck in life to be gifted, buy or inherit, you might have to wait a lifetime for any increase in value and even more likely it may never increase in value, it may diminish or be virtually worthless.   The only criteria is to buy a personal piece of jewellery because you love it and will enjoy wearing it, collecting it or gifting it - and that's it.  And the presenters who imply otherwise should (if the ASA had any teeth, which seems not to be the case) be called to account.  It's because the channel know they won't suffer for misinformation/incorrect implications that makes them deliberately blur the lines.
