Freak Freak Freak!!! Pomp SH**


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JR's Ego

Registered Shopper
May 19, 2011
No names mentioned... no need to mention. A face that would look 'at home' on a Guess who? board game, inverted or natural - dare I use the word!

I see, inspired by JR whilst borrowing her max wall leggings. Almost all garments look like production costumes for porn station middle aged or mature ladies "who know how to please their men" (as the designer does, im sure)

all an absolute joke, and a disgrace to fashion and incredibly insulting to the british woman.

DONT listen to this 'fashion' trash unless you want to look just like that - trash
How dare you!!!!!! You know nothing about Harald and are very nasty judging someone by how they look.

Harald has started children's charities in Germany and also animal as well.
He had a very sad childhood and his mother was murdered by his father. He is fun and just adores women wanting them to look beautiful. Anyone who has bought his range says the quality is excellent.
I know the ones who agree with my post will stay silent, for fear of personal unpopularity - its human nature, and I also know people will flock here to defend him after my comment - (even when secretly they do slightly agree) willl. again, moan and bitch - yep, human nature, jumping on the bandwagon

Either opinion doesnt matter to me, Ive aired mine. Deal with it . end of subject have a nice day!

p.s. At what point did I mention HARALD? Assuming thats the person must confirm you agree with me because you have chosen him to be the subject! LOL
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How awful! Harold is a sweety. He does a lot for animal charities and other charities. And actually, his clothes are good quality. I can't believe anyone could make such nasty remarks about such a sweet person!! :down:
I know the ones who agree with my post will stay silent, for fear of personal unpopularity - its human nature, and I also know people will flock here to defend him after my comment - (even when secretly they do slightly agree) willl. again, moan and bitch - yep, human nature, jumping on the bandwagon

Either opinion doesnt matter to me, Ive aired mine. Deal with it . end of subject have a nice day!

p.s. At what point did I mention HARALD? Assuming thats the person must confirm you agree with me because you have chosen him to be the subject! LOL

Whoever you are meaning, as you say that's your opinion as everyone is entitled to have a view on anything.
I'm sure you'll find though that most members will object to the manner in which you posted, which ever side of the fence they stand.
In my opinion I would rather read someone's view and try to understand a persons feelings, without the need for them to be hurtful and insulting to others.

Well, with that way of looking at things you can't lose can you?
Either people agree with you but stay silent, for fear of being unpopular, or will defend him while secretly agreeing with you for the same reason? So everyone agrees with you no matter what they do!

Today is the first day I've watched him & I have to say, in my opinion, he comes across as a really sweet guy who perhaps uses the flamoyance to hide behind a bit as he seems quite shy.
Just my opinion of course.

I thought he seemed quite squashed by Julia in the repeat of the launch hour which made me think he's a bit shy. He came out of his shell much more with Kathy, I suspect he found her easier to get on with, not so intimidating, but I bet all the showmanship is just an act to hide a gentle soul.
I think the "Guess who?" analogy is quite funny but I quite enjoy watching HG for the presenter discomfort factor. He seems good hearted but I doubt it's a look he could pull off on the till at Wickes.

Jude xx

Can I get down off the fence now cos it's a pain in my bum!
There's lots of comments made on here about Kim from Kim & Co right or wrong.
I don't give them a second or Kim's manner on air a thought, when I'm wearing her black pants at home as they are the only pants apart from some M&S velour track pants that labrador hairs don't stick to.
Having my DD home these summer hols with black leggings caked in dog hair enforces I wouldn't manage otherwise.

How many items do any of us have that we actually know who created them or if we do would we agree with everything about them?

Lets face it a good % of us buy from QVC but do we agree with everything about QVC?

I have no problem with people disagreeing over what we do and do not like with rgerads to products, presenting styles etc. However, to call someone you have never met a 'freak' is pretty low and cruel

I have no feelings towards the guy and have never bought one of his products but he seems a caring man and treats the models/presenters with respect.

This forum is mostly fun but sometimes it is really easy to identify who were the 'school yard bullies' in their younger days.......

At the end of the day I am sure harold will be far too busy having fun and spending his millions then to worry over little JR Ego's nastiness
I know the ones who agree with my post will stay silent, for fear of personal unpopularity - its human nature, and I also know people will flock here to defend him after my comment - (even when secretly they do slightly agree) willl. again, moan and bitch - yep, human nature, jumping on the bandwagon

Either opinion doesnt matter to me, Ive aired mine. Deal with it . end of subject have a nice day!

p.s. At what point did I mention HARALD? Assuming thats the person must confirm you agree with me because you have chosen him to be the subject! LOL did! And you expressed yourself so unpleasantly too! Have a nice day!
If we are talking about Harald then I think he clearly has a flamboyant personal style but so do men like Julien McDonal and Jon Galliano. The fashion business is full of individuals.

Harald comes across as being a nice guy though.

But I think where I would absolutely have to disagree is that his clothes are trashy. They're not. His wrap dresses are heavenly.
I know the ones who agree with my post will stay silent, for fear of personal unpopularity - its human nature, and I also know people will flock here to defend him after my comment - (even when secretly they do slightly agree) willl. again, moan and bitch - yep, human nature, jumping on the bandwagon

Either opinion doesnt matter to me, Ive aired mine. Deal with it . end of subject have a nice day!

p.s. At what point did I mention HARALD? Assuming thats the person must confirm you agree with me because you have chosen him to be the subject! LOL

I think quiet frankly calling anyone a freak - anyone - is totally out of order, does not matter who you were talking about.
I do think Harald is just a little in your face and OTT, maybe it is the week for oddballs from over the water ...:grin:
Well, I knew how to please my man long before I ever wore anything of Harald's, thank you very much, but I will be sure to remember how trashy I am whilst wearing my dress.
I don't see what his sexual orientation has to do with it, either.
What disgusting comments which say a lot more about the OP than they do about her victim.
i dont know Harald, his personal history and i certainly have no idea why he dresses the way he does or why he has changed his appearance to much.
i am sure JR's ego is not the first person to point a finger or call him names and sadly she will not be the last. it is human nature to dislike and distrust anything different from the expected norm. with each generation we are getting better at accepting and understanding different people, different cultures and different lifestyles.

There will always be small minded people around but there is a ray of hope, they remind the rest of us how awful we can be to others.
I always find it surprising how many downright nasty people there are around. You may not like an individual or thier products but there really is no reason to post such a nasty spiteful piece about someone you dont know.

I was always told that resorting to name calling indicated the inability of a person to form an intellectual argument. Your second post just reinforces that view. Its clear that there are people who dont agree with you, in your own words "deal with it".

As a matter of fact i happen to think some of his designs are rather nice there was a top on last night with a keyhole opening at the neck which was really nice, the TSV looks lovely but the neckline is a bit low for my own personal taste otherwise i could have been tempted.
No names mentioned... no need to mention. A face that would look 'at home' on a Guess who? board game, inverted or natural - dare I use the word!

I see, inspired by JR whilst borrowing her max wall leggings. Almost all garments look like production costumes for porn station middle aged or mature ladies "who know how to please their men" (as the designer does, im sure)

all an absolute joke, and a disgrace to fashion and incredibly insulting to the british woman.

DONT listen to this 'fashion' trash unless you want to look just like that - trash

I like some of his garments,very everyday and wearable also he has actually heard of natural fabrics like viscose,not all 100% polyester like a lot of the fashion on QVC.
As for his personal appearance and choice of clothes etc how nasty of you,sorry you seem to put yourself across as a bitter and unhappy person.
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