Guest Shopper
We strive to ensure that ShoppingTelly.com is a constructive, non-discriminatory and friendly place to discuss a wide variety of topics. To maintain a positive forum atmosphere and to promote constructive discussion, we ask that you adhere to the terms and conditions . As well as this, please consider the points below to ensure that the time you spend at ShoppingTelly.com is both enjoyable and productive.
Contacting ShoppingTelly.com
If you have any queries or comments regarding forum operations including moderation processes and technical issues, please make use of the dedicated contact form at http://www.shoppingtelly.com/index.php?categoryid=5. Every message is reviewed and we appreciate your feedback. When contacting Forum Support please be sure to include as much information as possible including URLs of the content to which you are referring and details of any error messages which may be showing on-screen.
Dealing with Inappropriate Content
The forum is predominantly reactively moderated and we ask that forum members notify us of any inappropriate posts by clicking the ALERT button next to the post in question: the post is then flagged for attention from the Forum Support team. Please only alert posts which break the terms and conditions or community guidelines and not just posts that you disagree with. Please provide any relevant information in the reason for reporting textarea. Please refrain from being overly emotive and using terms such as "Excuse me?!?! I've been banned for less!" - the key to effective alerting is to be clear and concise while supplying as much contextual information as possible.
Do not reproduce complete texts/images to which you do not own the copyright. When linking to articles elsewhere on the Internet, you can quote the first few lines and then provide a link to the content in full. If quoting other media, be sure to cite your source.
External links and Advertising
We only permit links to third-party sites when they are relevant to ongoing discussion. Any Users posting URLs of sites excessively or in a way which could be construed as advertising are liable to have their right to post removed.
Terms and Conditions
Please take the time to review the terms and conditions and consider how they apply to you when posting. These guidelines are by no means exhaustive and it is expected that this part of the document will grow with time to cover situations which regularly arise. If there is an area of the terms and conditions which you are unsure of, please get in touch via Contact Us and your comments will be passed to the forums manager for consideration.
Acceptable Use
Respect other forum members
While you are of course welcome to disagree with other members, we will not tolerate posts which insult, belittle, bait or otherwise antagonise forum members.
'You're a complete idiot: that's not the case at all' is not acceptable; a simple, 'I don't agree' would suffice.
Offensive material
You must not post messages that are vulgar, crude, sexist, racist, homophobic or otherwise offensive. We will not tolerate offensive, immature or unconstructive postings.
Our aim is to make each of our members feel welcome. Racism, homophobia and sexism have no place on our forums and will be dealt with swiftly.
The ShoppingTelly.com forums do have a language filter which should block terms deemed too offensive for use on the forums. Deliberately evading this language filter in order to post offensive language will likely result in a ban as you've demonstrated a complete disregard for the forum rules. This includes but is not limited to masking letters with an asterix, reversing letter order or substituting numbers for letters.
Casual swearing (where the words are NOT filtered) will not be punished but your post must satisfy the other terms and conditions meaning it needs to be a constructive, non-offensive post. Swearing at people or groups is not permitted.
'May have had a little too much to drink last night. I feel like ****!' would be fine. Posts such as 'You're a w*nker, I hate you!' and 'That makes no sense, piss off!' are not.
Don't wind people up to try to get them to say something in violation of the Terms and Conditions. It's obvious to other users and to us, doesn't work (we evaluate other posts and wider context when dealing with alerts), and backfires.
Don't post anything that might be libellous.
Phone numbers
Due to ICSTIS regulations we are unable to permit the publication of premium rate numbers on the forum. Please do not go around the filter to post these.
Do not post personal email addresses, telephone numbers or other personal information on the forums. General contact information (that displayed on a company's 'Contact Us' page, for example) is fine.
Illegal activity
Discussions regarding illegal activities such as 'chipping', 'patching' and methods of distributing copyrighted material for free are not permitted.
Multiple Accounts
We allow one account per person. If there is more than one person using your computer or network to access the ShoppingTelly.com forums, please contact us so as to avoid any confusion further down the line. Registering an account after having been banned (temporarily or permanently) is not permitted and will result in all linked accounts being terminated.
Advertising and 'spam'
We only permit external linking when relevant to the thread in question. Any users posting URLs excessively or in a way which could be construed as advertising are liable to have their right to post removed.
Duplicate threads and cross-posting
Before creating a new thread please carry out a brief search to see if your contribution could be made to an existing thread. Do not purposely duplicate threads or cross-post to multiple forums.
Posting "I've PM'd you" or "I've sent you a message!"
The forum does not need to know that you have sent a PM to a user. Such posts are unconstructive and completely unnecessary given the way in which the forum software alerts people when they receive a PM.
Post in the appropriate forum
Check that you are posting in the right place. Do not, for example, create a thread regarding Non QVC Products in the QVC forum just because you "want more people to see it".
Commenting on spelling/grammar
Unconstructive posts commenting on the spelling and/or grammar of another user's post will not be tolerated. We ask that users make the effort to communicate clearly and, so long as posts are understandable, there should be no problem.
"Where has my thread gone?" "Why was my post removed?" "Why was I banned?"
These are not questions that can be answered on the forum. Please contact us directly with your query via http://www.shoppingtelly.com/index.php?categoryid=5
Proxy Services
We reserve the right to restrict forum access of users accessing ShoppingTelly.com via any anonymous proxy services to prevent abuse/ misuse of the site and protect our community.
Contacting ShoppingTelly.com
If you have any queries or comments regarding forum operations including moderation processes and technical issues, please make use of the dedicated contact form at http://www.shoppingtelly.com/index.php?categoryid=5. Every message is reviewed and we appreciate your feedback. When contacting Forum Support please be sure to include as much information as possible including URLs of the content to which you are referring and details of any error messages which may be showing on-screen.
Dealing with Inappropriate Content
The forum is predominantly reactively moderated and we ask that forum members notify us of any inappropriate posts by clicking the ALERT button next to the post in question: the post is then flagged for attention from the Forum Support team. Please only alert posts which break the terms and conditions or community guidelines and not just posts that you disagree with. Please provide any relevant information in the reason for reporting textarea. Please refrain from being overly emotive and using terms such as "Excuse me?!?! I've been banned for less!" - the key to effective alerting is to be clear and concise while supplying as much contextual information as possible.
Do not reproduce complete texts/images to which you do not own the copyright. When linking to articles elsewhere on the Internet, you can quote the first few lines and then provide a link to the content in full. If quoting other media, be sure to cite your source.
External links and Advertising
We only permit links to third-party sites when they are relevant to ongoing discussion. Any Users posting URLs of sites excessively or in a way which could be construed as advertising are liable to have their right to post removed.
Terms and Conditions
Please take the time to review the terms and conditions and consider how they apply to you when posting. These guidelines are by no means exhaustive and it is expected that this part of the document will grow with time to cover situations which regularly arise. If there is an area of the terms and conditions which you are unsure of, please get in touch via Contact Us and your comments will be passed to the forums manager for consideration.
Acceptable Use
Respect other forum members
While you are of course welcome to disagree with other members, we will not tolerate posts which insult, belittle, bait or otherwise antagonise forum members.
'You're a complete idiot: that's not the case at all' is not acceptable; a simple, 'I don't agree' would suffice.
Offensive material
You must not post messages that are vulgar, crude, sexist, racist, homophobic or otherwise offensive. We will not tolerate offensive, immature or unconstructive postings.
Our aim is to make each of our members feel welcome. Racism, homophobia and sexism have no place on our forums and will be dealt with swiftly.
The ShoppingTelly.com forums do have a language filter which should block terms deemed too offensive for use on the forums. Deliberately evading this language filter in order to post offensive language will likely result in a ban as you've demonstrated a complete disregard for the forum rules. This includes but is not limited to masking letters with an asterix, reversing letter order or substituting numbers for letters.
Casual swearing (where the words are NOT filtered) will not be punished but your post must satisfy the other terms and conditions meaning it needs to be a constructive, non-offensive post. Swearing at people or groups is not permitted.
'May have had a little too much to drink last night. I feel like ****!' would be fine. Posts such as 'You're a w*nker, I hate you!' and 'That makes no sense, piss off!' are not.
Don't wind people up to try to get them to say something in violation of the Terms and Conditions. It's obvious to other users and to us, doesn't work (we evaluate other posts and wider context when dealing with alerts), and backfires.
Don't post anything that might be libellous.
Phone numbers
Due to ICSTIS regulations we are unable to permit the publication of premium rate numbers on the forum. Please do not go around the filter to post these.
Do not post personal email addresses, telephone numbers or other personal information on the forums. General contact information (that displayed on a company's 'Contact Us' page, for example) is fine.
Illegal activity
Discussions regarding illegal activities such as 'chipping', 'patching' and methods of distributing copyrighted material for free are not permitted.
Multiple Accounts
We allow one account per person. If there is more than one person using your computer or network to access the ShoppingTelly.com forums, please contact us so as to avoid any confusion further down the line. Registering an account after having been banned (temporarily or permanently) is not permitted and will result in all linked accounts being terminated.
Advertising and 'spam'
We only permit external linking when relevant to the thread in question. Any users posting URLs excessively or in a way which could be construed as advertising are liable to have their right to post removed.
Duplicate threads and cross-posting
Before creating a new thread please carry out a brief search to see if your contribution could be made to an existing thread. Do not purposely duplicate threads or cross-post to multiple forums.
Posting "I've PM'd you" or "I've sent you a message!"
The forum does not need to know that you have sent a PM to a user. Such posts are unconstructive and completely unnecessary given the way in which the forum software alerts people when they receive a PM.
Post in the appropriate forum
Check that you are posting in the right place. Do not, for example, create a thread regarding Non QVC Products in the QVC forum just because you "want more people to see it".
Commenting on spelling/grammar
Unconstructive posts commenting on the spelling and/or grammar of another user's post will not be tolerated. We ask that users make the effort to communicate clearly and, so long as posts are understandable, there should be no problem.
"Where has my thread gone?" "Why was my post removed?" "Why was I banned?"
These are not questions that can be answered on the forum. Please contact us directly with your query via http://www.shoppingtelly.com/index.php?categoryid=5
Proxy Services
We reserve the right to restrict forum access of users accessing ShoppingTelly.com via any anonymous proxy services to prevent abuse/ misuse of the site and protect our community.