Fiona Decleor: paragon of beauty


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Jowels down to her tits, more chins than a Chinese phone book, and I'd like to know what's going on under that greasy fringe.... Spots and wrinkles I imagine.

She makes the idea of Decleor almost irresistible doesn't she
She's not a good ambassador for the brand.

I was in John Lewis yesterday and the Decleor rep was absolutely caked in makeup - I thought it was all about giving you a natural glow.
Jowels down to her tits, more chins than a Chinese phone book, and I'd like to know what's going on under that greasy fringe.... Spots and wrinkles I imagine.

She makes the idea of Decleor almost irresistible doesn't she

Don't hold back BB!
I usually like Fiona but if she says amaaaazing one more time - shut up woman we know you have made your point now shut up. Haven't watched Q for a long time - see the fragrant Ms Huntley has changed the hair again. Dead straight with no fringe and now she is on the amaaaazing bandwagon. time to switch over and watch a chrimbo movie methinks
BB, I will do copious amounts of housework laughing now, though not particularly PC BB. :cheeky:
Is there any need for the bitchiness on here?!
I sense a bit of fat fascism on this thread and I don't like it. Just because Fiona is large doesn't mean she can't represent a skincare brand. I have more issues with the likes of Lulu, Judith Williams, Tova and that woman from Perricone who have stuffed fillers and Botox into their faces and don't own up to it. They give the impression that their taut faces are all down to their own skincare range. Fiona is real, she has wrinkles and like many of us has a few excess pounds. Give her a break and keep your own prejudices against fat people to yourself.
Is there any need for the bitchiness on here?!

theres no "need" for it. but there's no "need" for at all. theres no "need" for you to pass comment on my posts.

so why dont you use the site for what YOU want, and i'll use it for what I want... and then we'll all get along with eachother.
I sense a bit of fat fascism on this thread and I don't like it. Just because Fiona is large doesn't mean she can't represent a skincare brand. I have more issues with the likes of Lulu, Judith Williams, Tova and that woman from Perricone who have stuffed fillers and Botox into their faces and don't own up to it. They give the impression that their taut faces are all down to their own skincare range. Fiona is real, she has wrinkles and like many of us has a few excess pounds. Give her a break and keep your own prejudices against fat people to yourself.

i didnt pass comment on her weight. i'm a porker myself. but i'm not on telly selling expensive skin creams claiming that they can "firm" and "tighten" the areas where Fiona is clearly neither firm or tight.
Wrong...I was merely explaining to an enquirer whom the poster had meant by Frankenstein. I do not say unpleasant things for the sake of it unlike you.

well you could have said nowt, but chose not to. same as me.
Oh hardly the same..I don't start unpleasant and vindictive threads. My last word on the matter as I don't get drawn into pointless semantic debates either.

you may not start them but you certainly dont mind sticking the boot in on other people's
Jilly H - "dull and repetative"
Alison Young "a right fright"
Daniel O'Donnnel "creepy"
Prai Guest "the iron chicken"
Anna "insincere and patronising"
B&W jewellery "tacky... sold to people who are impressed by a brand name"
Basso "fat ar*e"
Fiona Decleor "perhaps she's away having that blo*dy fringe cut"

and i'm only on page 2 of your posts! if thats you being nice then i hope i never meet you at a party, youre bitchier than i am! :clapping:
i didnt pass comment on her weight. i'm a porker myself. but i'm not on telly selling expensive skin creams claiming that they can "firm" and "tighten" the areas where Fiona is clearly neither firm or tight.
I have to agree with you Porky. :tongue: Your comments were probably a tad harsh :thinking: but Fiona is not a good advertisement for the brand she sells because whether we like/agree with it or not representatives of beauty brands, especially when on tv, are 'expected' to present a certain image of being well groomed, well spoken, not overweight etc etc. The perfect example of this is Alexis, although I can't warm to the snooty cow, she does look good and would probably influence me to buy the overpriced brand she represents... if I was that gullible obviously and not such a cynical old bag. :mysmilie_61:
Well this thread has descended into members attacking each other, this is not what ST is for.

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