female presenter fashion....NOT JR!!!


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Jun 24, 2008
poor old ju-ju has enough threads devoted to her sartorial Z(piss) elegance at the mo. lets spread the love shall we?

i'd like to get the ball rolling with mrs anne dawson. the wig with the alice band attached, the tight blazers pulling in her already narrow shoulders, the baggy jumpers, the nicotine stained index finger....

and not forgetting ms pipa gordon. this one gets away with MURDER in the name of "edginess". maybe 5 years ago but these days most of the time she looks a right mess.

as for alison keenan, that white lace outfit and pearl choker she polled up in the other week for the bedding show was an abomination. like something out of a 1970 slimcea advert (or soft porn movie)

poor old ju-ju has enough threads devoted to her sartorial Z(piss) elegance at the mo. lets spread the love shall we?

i'd like to get the ball rolling with mrs anne dawson. the wig with the alice band attached, the tight blazers pulling in her already narrow shoulders, the baggy jumpers, the nicotine stained index finger....

and not forgetting ms pipa gordon. this one gets away with MURDER in the name of "edginess". maybe 5 years ago but these days most of the time she looks a right mess.

as for alison keenan, that white lace outfit and pearl choker she polled up in the other week for the bedding show was an abomination. like something out of a 1970 slimcea advert (or soft porn movie)


Yes, I have thoughts: I'm now scared to go to sleep because I'm scared I may dream of AK in a soft-focus 70s porno.

JH with her moonface and 10 year old's hair - grow up, woman!

JF looking like something from Dawn of the Dead.

Simon Biagi looking like he needs 6 months to a year in an iron lung.

AY. Enough said.

Debbie G's hair - what colour is it? Brown? Dirty blonde? Khaki?

Dale reminds me of Guy Smiley from Sesame Street.

Charlie reminds me of Swiss Toni: "Selling Diamonique is like making love to a beautiful woman..."

No: can't think of any. :taphead:

And yes - they're not all women. But being of a homosexual persuasion I feel qualified to slag off *AHEM* I mean "constructively criticize" the menfolk as well.
Had to smile at Burlz reflection back to the 1970's Slimcea ad. I remember those ad's and the shake 'n vac woman prancing about, to.... "You do the shake 'n vac, 'n put the freshness back" - LOL!

I'm digressing. Yes, AK did look dreadful all dressed up in the lace and pearls. I thought it was some kind of event when I first switched on x
I am strating to wonder if everyone I know if having PMT at the moment?
Kathy. The day I see her looking tidy around the head I will put the flags out.A makeover in hair & clothes is needed there.

Pippa. Looks like a skunk with her hair colouring.

Charlie. In his old man cardigans. But lets not forget Glen in his pink/ coral monstrosity.

Debbie F . Some clothes fit where they touch.

Never saw AK in that outfit. I always tend to think that she is one of the more smarter presenters but everyone has an off day.
I didn't see AK in her odd outfit, I always think she is one of the best turned out presenters.
Apart from Anne Dawson who always look as if she got dressed in the dark, I dont think there is a lot wrong with the qvc presenters ...maybe a visit to a good hairdresser would be an idea for all the females. :up:
I also think that Pipa's present mix 'n match hair colour makes her look a bit skunk like. I thought she looked stunning as a redhead with her naturally pale skin, wish she'd lose the fake tan too.
I guess Kathy doesn't have much time to style her hair ready for the morning show. It's a shame as she's grown it to a good length and it could look lovely if done properly.
As to Ali K's lace monstrosity, definately an aberration as she's usually the best dressed of the female presenters.
CHuntley wears fab shoes.

DG always looks fine. Never think she looks badly dressed but not overly styled.

Think AK has a fantastic figure, great legs and usually looks good - lacey outfit apart - she's allowed one aberration I suppose.

Like Pipa's outfits but think only she could get away with them.

AY does wear some strange stuff sometimes but I do like her in pastels, which she wears a lot and her B&W ice cream dress.

DF sometimes looks a bit spanked up and some of her colours are a bit bright but she wears the right styles and lengths of skirt for her.

JF - some of her stuff is predictably very floaty and girly. On the whole her outfits looks well thought out and toning. Always wears good shoes.

KT - I suppose she is a bit of a scruff and a little on the mumsy side - but I don't care because I like her and she has a lovely face.
My word - where do you start..! All the ladies I think could do with a re-vamp..most of them wear the "wrong" colours for starters..most could also do with a new haircut - I'm not setting myself up as an expert here but in my circle it's me the girls ask for advice on hair, make-up clothes...I'm presuming because I'm getting something right with my own appearance, so I hope I'm not coming across as big-headed because I'm not, but I think I've always had an eye for that kind of thing..maybe should've gone into that line instead of learning shorthand and typing..:wonder::wink:
I always think Claire wears beautiful clothes but i do agree about a decent hair cut!

AY least said......
AD least said......
I think Debbie G dresses pretty well, her style is not mine but I think she keeps it simple (unless of course she's been forced into something she has to sell.) And I think Debbie F looks grand, I want to say that she keeps it just the right side of 'tarty' which sounds terribly bitchy and really isn't meant that way! (If I was going to be unpleasant...just for a mo...I'd say Ali K is over the other side of the 'tarty' threshold, which is a shame cos she's got a fabulous figure.) I really like Debbie F and think she keeps it real. She's good at knowing her colours too, wears a lot of teal, green, brown etc which really flatters her skin tone and eye colour. I cannot bear Jill Franks as a presenter but I feel oddly sorry for her in this regard; I think when it comes to clothing she is actually a little underconfident. I know this doesn't always come across from her comments on the fashion of others, but I get the sense she doesn't see her skinnyness as a blessing and tries to hide it in clothing, which doesn't really work. She really needs to drop those Sister Sledge-esque flares. Not literally you understand...Personally I think Pipa's eclecticism works for her, will be interesting to see how/if she changes as she ages. She was saying something the other day about her style tastes altering as she's moving through her thirties. You and me both Pips. We'll be swapping Topshop for Kim n Co before we know it...:blush:
Alison Young looks ridiculous almost every time she's on. Gawd knows why she thinks half the things she wears could possibly look ok?

I shall never be able to watch Daley boy again without thinking of Swiss Tony. Thanks Klarion, you have filled my morning with hilariosity. :rock:
Compared to where I live (where I still see the odd shell suit and grown men wandering around in complete football strips), the presenters look like they are wearing haute couture :grin: I could only dream of seeing such icons of style in my neighbourhood :cool:
They all have their moments. But only one of them purports to be the 'resident fashion expert.' I like Pipa though - her style is quirky and it works for her. I feel sorry for her when she has to stand there in some ginormous centigrade coat or similar, looking like she dressing up in her mum's clothes. How is that supposed to help sell the item? Lots of things annoy me about the presenters but their clothes are generally low on the list. It's interesting to see the image they have of themselves projected in their choice of clothes. It's often far removed from what we see.

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