Elasticizer - opinions?


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Jun 24, 2008
I bought the Philip Kingsley elasticizer on waitlist when it was beauty POM, as I heard only positive things about it. I have been using it now for approx 3 weeks and am not noticing any difference. Can anyone tell me of their experience with this product, both plus and negative, as I am not too impressed. Also, how often do you use it? How do you use it? Thanks.
Hi Louise 66, I agree, was so taken in by all the hype about PK being a trichologist, but it did nothing for me, nor did any of the other PK products. I do have very difficult, baby fine hair so I am hard to please; generally though I love Aveda, although the Ojon pre - shampoo conditioner suits me too!
I bought it a few weeks ago when it was on easy pay - I too was taken in by all the hype and good reviews on the website. I have used it now for about 3 weeks twice a week and have not noticed any difference. Even put it on overnight last time. If I don't see a different this week then it is going back.

Glad to see it is not just me that is not impressed with it :thinking:
only ever had a sample to try once but it did nothing at all, certainly wouldn't buy it.
Some people say they use it after shampooing rather than as a pre shampoo treatment, I'm going to keep experimenting with it as it does get so many excellent reviews. Maybe it takes longer use for some people to benefit from it.
Some people say they use it after shampooing rather than as a pre shampoo treatment, I'm going to keep experimenting with it as it does get so many excellent reviews. Maybe it takes longer use for some people to benefit from it.

Havent used it myself, but i did hear it gives better results , if after you put it on , you
put a plastic bag over your hair. Not a proper plastic bag, he he, one of those shower
type things, its supposed to be more intense and work better :mysmilie_488:
I've tried dozens of lotions and potions over the years to strengthen and make my hair shiny and manageable (it's fine, I've got a lot of it and it's got a wave/curl to it) but not found anything yet that doesn't either dry out my scalp or make my hair lank and dull. Not tried PK but I'll give them a miss now !

Linda xx
I tried it when it first came on QVC, it was good hair soft shiny. But I hate the waiting around with it on and damp hair and then having to wash and condition again.
Now Ojon yes you have to put it on first, but at least your is dry so no damp hair sitting round for hours or whatever.
This stuff does F all. I let them brainwash me into buying a massive 1 litre tub costing over 60 quid (ouch!) so I'll be using it for the rest of my life, useless or not.

When you think about it though, if you put something onto your hair and then shampoo it off it's not going to do anything is it? I'll give it a try after shampooing as someone suggested above.
I have been tempted many times but, never bought it mainly because it seems to be such a faff, I use the Ojon Restorative which seems much easier to use and it works great on my hair!
I also cant see any difference when I use it and its such a "faff", think I will give it a try as a conditioner after shampooing as suggested. Ah well live and learn.
Amazed by this thread to see so many similar feelings to my own, I have tried it several times and have never gotten any results. I even got a massive tub on the Beauty Bible trials and thought sarcastically, 'woop de doo' and used it once and let my daughter use the rest who never got any results either. Done it before and after, with bag on hair, still nothing. It reminds me of hair conditioner from the eighties with that false plastic-y texture. The PK range for me has never been effective, having also tried another shampoo. Like arthursmum, I love Ojon and Aveda shampure, you definently see the results promised with those brands.
Glad it isn't just me then because it doesn't do it for me either! I've also tried shampoo and conditioner that was supposed to be for hair like mine - thick and coarse in texture - but it was terrible. It felt tangled and dirtier than before I had started - not the squeaky clean that you expect after washing.

OH uses a shampoo from this range and is quite happy with it but I buy it from an online hairdressers' supplier - much, much cheaper!
I seem to buck the trend but I love mine. It is a faff but it works for me, love it. I also put a tiny bit on my fingers and run it through my damp hair after washing, which helps soften the ends and prevent frizz.
Just reporting back with my verdict on using it as an after shampoo conditioner this morning.

One word pretty well covers it - CR*P.
My hair is fine and I agree with the majority of the comments - it really doesn't do much (if anything) for me at all. I can't see any difference in using it to not using it.
I really liked the ability to put it on PRE shampoo, however though it wasn't bad, it certainly wasn't worth the price. Have had similar or to be honest better results with the dreaded high street deep conditioners and more recently the Liz Earle treatment.

Can anyone recommend another good PRE shampoo treatment?

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