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I’ve just had an email through about this. I was only looking at their Easiyo selection the other day as I needed to stock up and was thinking (a) how hard it seems to be to find anywhere now and (b) how expensive it has become. I would have bought the TSV at £19.98 plus £4.95 P&P (it’s nearer £3.00 a sachet everywhere I’ve found) but sadly, the flavours are not to my liking as I don’t like peach or raspberry. A shame.

Anyone here buy Easiyo these days and can recommend a good supplier? I did buy some last week from Easiyonline, who I’ve used before and like - not as cheap as the TSV but at least it was the flavours I like. The Range used to sell it and cheap but I haven’t been for years. Holland & Barrett no longer has it. I have had some real bargains fron Lakeland in the past but they are not cheap at all at the moment, like all their things I’m finding (plus they seem to have a permanent notice on the website about not taking any more orders for the day and I can’t be bothered to try and get in early). Any pointers welcome.
