Does Mark Ryes ever learn????


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Feb 27, 2011
Does Mark Ryes ever learn to keep his mouth shut on Twitter when slagging other famous people off! Again he has brought up Nicki Chapman/Lisp up again.... and he even sent the tweet to Radio 2's Twitter page... "@markryes "Vanessa Feltz is bad enough on early breakfast on BBC Radio Two - but Nicki Chapman? Oh FFS. She's terrible & has speech impediment. @bbcr2".
I posted the offending tweet to Bid tv's facebook page with my rant. I've just had a reply back from Bid tv and this is their reply " Hi Chrissie, sorry to hear that Mark Ryes has posted a comment that upset you and it is totally understandable. However his twitter account is his personal one, and therefore he can post whatever he wants, whether it is morally right or not. He even specifies "Views are purely mine and not of my employers.". So I don't think the tw@ will be getting a bollocking then...
DarJos don't let him worry you, the idiot is only Jealous of the success of Vanessa Feltz and Nikki Chapman, he In My Opinion is one of the worst presenters the sit-up has, I think he could even be worse than James Russell and thats saying something.
My wall post has been liked by Paul Becque!!!! I bet Ryes (behind closed doors) is loathed by everyone. How would he like it if someone start being nasty about him being Gay!!! Thanks once again for your support Graham... I've alerted Nicki Chapman btw to Ryes's twitter page.
Why don't you post on twitter that about being gay see if he gets wound up by it send it to him lol by the way if you ever wonder about his arrogance he has topless pictures of himself on his website. Unfortunately Mark is just one of those people who looks annoying, talks annoying and acts annoying no matter what he does he will always be like this.

Nicki Chapman will go who is he?
Why don't you post on twitter that about being gay see if he gets wound up by it send it to him lol by the way if you ever wonder about his arrogance he has topless pictures of himself on his website. Unfortunately Mark is just one of those people who looks annoying, talks annoying and acts annoying no matter what he does he will always be like this.

Nicki Chapman will go who is he?

I can't the tw@ blocked me from his page last year after i posted comments about him "on a not-very-nice website" meaning here.

He demanded an apology , I didn't give one then he put the account lock on his page and promptly blocked me from contacting him ever again....
You must have been devastated :wink: Please don't say you have been stalking him begging him to let you back on and camping outside his home and making silent phone calls :cheeky:
The guy really is a vile, innocuous little pr!ck who of all people should be very aware of the damage that prejudice and bullying can do! Personally I wish they would sack the b@stard but they wont! I bet that if someone made some derogatory comment about him being gay he would start playing the victim card and demanding 'justice' etc etc - hypocritical little tw@t! God I hate that man with a passion!

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Now I am going out on a limb here correct me if I am wrong but I dont think you like Mark Ryes not sure about that.

Why is he aware of the damage and prejudice bullying can do what do you know that you not letting on about
I was waiting for your reaction Stumpy.. It seems that complaint earlier in the year was about as popular with Sh!t-up as a chocolate teapot.....

I wasn't as vexed as I was first-time around at the offensive tweet as Graham said he's just jealous that he's just a continuity announcer on Challenge Tv and that if I said his name 99.9% of people would just say "Mark Who" as he isn't a well-known household name......
I was waiting for your reaction Stumpy.. It seems that complaint earlier in the year was about as popular with Sh!t-up as a chocolate teapot.....

I wasn't as vexed as I was first-time around at the offensive tweet as Graham said he's just jealous that he's just a continuity announcer on Challenge Tv and that if I said his name 99.9% of people would just say "Mark Who" as he isn't a well-known household name......

Am I that predictable? :grin:

Now I am going out on a limb here correct me if I am wrong but I dont think you like Mark Ryes not sure about that.

Why is he aware of the damage and prejudice bullying can do what do you know that you not letting on about

Yeah sorry, I was on the fence again. Just in case I didnt come across clearly enough for certain viewers... I HAVE THE LITTLE GIT! I HATE BULLIES AND THATS WHAT HE IS! There, hope thats cleared that up??

Well as he is gay, I would assume he has come across bullying and/or prejudice. Maybe he has been lucky and escaped that, unlike his victims!

Well Paul Becque liking my complaint about Ryes on the Bid tv Facebook page has heightened my suspicions a little bit more that Ryes isn't liked at Sit-up. I'm glad by posting what I did on there a lot more customers are seeing Ryes for the nasty horrid troll that he is...
Well Paul Becque liking my complaint about Ryes on the Bid tv Facebook page has heightened my suspicions a little bit more that Ryes isn't liked at Sit-up. I'm glad by posting what I did on there a lot more customers are seeing Ryes for the nasty horrid troll that he is...

Nasty horrid troll sums him/that/it up nicely!

Mr. Ryes is a nasty, odious, talentless little oik of a 'man'. :sun:
I don't watch situps anymore, the hardsell became annoying. I have to agree about Rye, he and James Russell seem to be the most talentless with the biggest heads. I don't know what he's saying about Nicky Chapman because I don't have Twitter or Facebook accounts, but she seems OK to me and I don't find anything wrong with her diction
Remind you of anyone? xxxxxxxxxx


  • chad.jpg
    2.3 KB · Views: 452
Did anyone here "spill the beans" about Ryes on the Bid tv facebook page? If not this is what someone said about him and it confirms my suspicions.

Original post "in my fussy Top list Bid Tv presenters are 1>Mark Ryse 2>Paul Becque 3>Peter Simon Classic Presenter Was > Mike Mason and a female classic was Lynn Taylor. my least favourite presenters are least likely to make me buy 1> Steve MacDonald 2> Paul Ross 3> Andy Hodgson.."

then the reply from someone who "alleges" they worked at Sit-up "Mark ryes?!?! OMG!! The biggest IDIOT in theworld!! Did you see his recent post on his twitter page? Here it is: ''Vanessa Feltz is bad enough on early breakfast on BBC Radio Two - but Nicki Chapman? Oh FFS. She's terrible & has speech impediment'' She has only got a lisp, and how harsh can you be? I THINK HE IS JEALOUS!! He recently had one being racial towards black people on his holiday trip this year, and he called the bid tv viewers 'SUCKERS' for buying one of his items which was over priced last month!! He acts nice in front of camera, but infact he is hated by EVERYBODY at sit up (I know, I worked there!) So if you think it is fair to take the piss out of somebody for disabilities, being harsh towards viewers (like yourself) and for being my guest and like him, but it will only be a matter of time before it gets out more, and everybody finds out Members of staff there felt bullied from him, as he said to them that they 'belonged in a cattle' and that they are 'morons' just because they were having a laugh....for one member of staff, they left because of this."

Seems I was right all along about the short-arsed troll!!! Sorry for swearing I tend to have bouts of tourettes when it comes to that W****r....

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