Diamonique on EastEnders


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Spinster of the Parish
Jun 24, 2008
London baby!
On tonights episode Joel produced a box with an engagement ring to ask Ronnie to marry him. It was a Diamonique box with ring in it, didn't see the ring closely enough to recognise it though!

No wonder Ronnie threw him out! :giggle:
I doubt the "character" of Joel would have presented her with a Dimoneek ring after all he does have some money....although maybe that's why she dropped it on the floor in such a cold fashion,lol.

As the topic of Eastenders has been brought up I must say there was some really,really fine acting on tonights episode.The actress who plays Stacey just goes from strength to strength and her mother is no slouch acting wise either,really commendable episode.

One thing which is really driving me nuts about Eastenders at the moment is how the character of Sam Mitchell is being touted and portrayed as some great beauty,when in actual fact Daniella Westbrook who WAS very pretty is absolutely horrendous looking,a straight up and down,100% grade A MINGER and I don't know how the writers can script some of her lines with a straight face??
And now I understand they are gonna romantically link her with Jack....that poor actor must have to take a valium everytime he has to get near her face,blech!!!

In one episode she remarked"if I havn't got my looks,what have I got?"......i'm like that ship has well and truely sailed honey,take a look in the mirror!!!!!!!!!!
She really effed up her face on drugs,her nose looks like something out of Futurama and she's way to wrinkley for someone in her 30's,not to mention the problems with her top lip.

I'm hoping that for the mental health of Ms Westbrook the writers have her evolve into to something resembling human coz I don't believe it can be healthy for her to be playing this over the hill sexpot,it will eventually take it's toll,she'll be back on the coke before Peggy can screech "Yourra Meech-UL!
I read somewhere that she is being written out of the show soon. I prefered the other girl who played Sam Mitchell.
I read somewhere that she is being written out of the show soon. I prefered the other girl who played Sam Mitchell.

Tis probably best if she is,the lure of Devil's Dandruff must be difficult when you're working that kind of schedule and with people who have access to it at a moments notice.
I didn't like the other Sam Mitchell,I actually prefer the pre face-ache Westbrook,this incarnation though is painful to look at and listen to.
i noticed the diamonique box and the ring was deffo not a real'un. I found the stacey and jean scenes very harrowing and emotional and they both deserve awards for their fine acting .Excellent stuff.
maybe it was supposed to be a tiffany wedding ring not diamonique.

Well, they could've at least bought one of the plethora of fake boxes readily available on e*** for it to make it look more 'authentic' then.......props crew = epic fail! :grin:
You guys all beat me to it! I screeched 'Diamonique!' when I saw it on telly and thought straight away that it was supposed to be Tiffany's!

The episode made for uncomfortable viewing, but I agree fine acting on Stacey and her Mum's part. Very harrowing and thought provoking. :sad:

I can't stand Daniella Westbrook and don't think she should have been brought back onto the show. I don't think it sets a good example when you can abuse drugs like she did and then be given your well paid job back (I know it was year ago but even so ...). Kim Medcalf was a much better actress and I hate Westbrook's voice - she sounds nasal - I'm not trying to be funny there. :smirk:
I have to agree with the comments on eastenders. I noticed a few years ago when they bought Den back he had lost his looks, (Not that I ever thought he was goodlooking, but some do.) Anyway they had him dating young women (pretty ones as well) who in real life I dont believe would have looked at him twice.
:grin:You guys all beat me to it! I screeched 'Diamonique!' when I saw it on telly and thought straight away that it was supposed to be Tiffany's!

Oh thats really bad..........fancy robbing poor dead Tiffany, Bianca will go nuts!!!!xxxxxxxxxxx
I'm not up to speed on the latest Eastenders (so please bear that in mind if I'm totally wide of the mark here), but maybe the fact that Joel was presenting a Diamonique ring instead of 'the real thing', is meant to be a comment on his character: along the lines of 'he's not all he seems... '; maybe Ronnie's rejection of him shows that she knows a Diamonique ring when she sees one - that Ronnie is not in fact 'a diamond geezer', that he's a deceiver, or maybe simply a cheapskate!
I doubt the "character" of Joel would have presented her with a Dimoneek ring after all he does have some money....although maybe that's why she dropped it on the floor in such a cold fashion,lol.

As the topic of Eastenders has been brought up I must say there was some really,really fine acting on tonights episode.The actress who plays Stacey just goes from strength to strength and her mother is no slouch acting wise either,really commendable episode.

One thing which is really driving me nuts about Eastenders at the moment is how the character of Sam Mitchell is being touted and portrayed as some great beauty,when in actual fact Daniella Westbrook who WAS very pretty is absolutely horrendous looking,a straight up and down,100% grade A MINGER and I don't know how the writers can script some of her lines with a straight face??
And now I understand they are gonna romantically link her with Jack....that poor actor must have to take a valium everytime he has to get near her face,blech!!!

In one episode she remarked"if I havn't got my looks,what have I got?"......i'm like that ship has well and truely sailed honey,take a look in the mirror!!!!!!!!!!
She really effed up her face on drugs,her nose looks like something out of Futurama and she's way to wrinkley for someone in her 30's,not to mention the problems with her top lip.

I'm hoping that for the mental health of Ms Westbrook the writers have her evolve into to something resembling human coz I don't believe it can be healthy for her to be playing this over the hill sexpot,it will eventually take it's toll,she'll be back on the coke before Peggy can screech "Yourra Meech-UL!

I'm pretty well amazed by the nasty comments on this thread about an actress and even more by the people "thanking" the person who wrote this thread.

Daniella Westbrook would no doubt be the first person in an apparently long line of critics to say that she, shall we say politely, mucked up in her life - and in the public eye, too. She has also been quoted in the media as saying that she dismisses (or at least tries to, but I doubt it) the unkind comments about her appearance as the alternative would have been lying six feet under. Fair enough.

I have no experience of hard drugs not ever intend to but honestly, how horrible can you get? But for the grace of God, etc...Don't you think that the producers have dressed this actress up and made her up (her make up is yuck) deliberately to make her look like a slapper? And also the Roxy Mitchell character perhaps. Have you seen these actresses in real life? I guess not.

Even if Daniella Westbrook looks older than she is, so what?

The Sam Mitchell character is not being portrayed as a great beauty, as her character development clearly shows.

Stop being so nasty!!

No need.

How would you like it?
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Just realised, totally off topic.

Apologies for veering away from the original subject (although still appalled!)
I'm not up to speed on the latest Eastenders (so please bear that in mind if I'm totally wide of the mark here), but maybe the fact that Joel was presenting a Diamonique ring instead of 'the real thing', is meant to be a comment on his character: along the lines of 'he's not all he seems... '; maybe Ronnie's rejection of him shows that she knows a Diamonique ring when she sees one - that Ronnie is not in fact 'a diamond geezer', that he's a deceiver, or maybe simply a cheapskate!

She ditched him because she had found out he had a vasectomy. She was only with him again because she wanted a baby with him. It is a very long story going back months so if you haven't seen it lately, you wouldn't have realised what was going on. I'm quite sure the ring wasn't supposed to be a fake. She had rejected him before he tried to give her the ring.

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