Decleor/Gatineau combinations?


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Mar 7, 2009
Just recently I have begun using Aromessence Neroli oil under Melatogenine during the day & Balm Essential under Melatogenie at night. (I am currently very pleased with this combination although must admit I stumbled upon it by accident not from any scientific ponderings! lol
My question is threefold:

1. I like the Neroli & am tempted to try the Iris too but have heard this is more 'greasy' in texture?

2. Are there any Decleor oils not suitable or benefical to put under a different brand moisturiser & should I replace or drop the Balm Essential in favour of one of the oils at night? (I do quite like this too but not sure it's as effective as the Neroli oil used with a moisturiser at night & it is quite 'greasy'!)

3. I have currently run out of DefiLift which I liked using during the day but can the oils go under this too?

I don't really want to try the Decleor cleansers etc. as am happy with LE C&P & don't want to try their moisturisers as am happy with the Gatineau ones, so it's only the oils really! (Love the texture & smell of the Neroli & it does seem to have 'brightened' & improved my skintone!)
I am not keen on the decleor moisturizers, but love the oils and use them combined with any other brand
ATM I am using the neroli combined with the gatineau active eclat moisturizer in the mornings. The Iris oil is a bit more oily, but you can still combine it with other ones, am combining it with elemis PCMC at night
Sorry cant help with the answer, I find the decleor oils make my skin really greasy
but I love the LE superskin concentrate under my moisturiser it is fab :D
I am not keen on the decleor moisturizers, but love the oils and use them combined with any other brand
ATM I am using the neroli combined with the gatineau active eclat moisturizer in the mornings. The Iris oil is a bit more oily, but you can still combine it with other ones, am combining it with elemis PCMC at night

Thanks Tia, I did think it was probably OK to do that but didn't want to waste any products using them in illogical combos ! :)
I'd like to try the Active Eclat too, as my skin tone is probably the weakest element currently! (Not too bad on the old wrinkles & not too saggy baggy either.....yet! lol)
Unfortunately I don't get on too well with Elemis & haven't used any of their stuff in yonks so have never tried the PCMC!
I think that the Aromessence Iris is for a more mature or dry skin which is why its probably a different texture. Would think it would still be ok to apply under any moisturiser but I only have experience of Neroli which I love.
Sorry cant help with the answer, I find the decleor oils make my skin really greasy
but I love the LE superskin concentrate under my moisturiser it is fab :D

I still haven't got round to trying the LE superskin products yet as I was worried they might be too rich for me but interesting that you do like them yet find the Decleor oils greasy, so that was actually quite helpful after all as it's made me think again about the LE at least! lol
I think that the Aromessence Iris is for a more mature or dry skin which is why its probably a different texture. Would think it would still be ok to apply under any moisturiser but I only have experience of Neroli which I love.

I do love the Neroli I must say but I guess it's tempting to want to then try other things too isn't it, although I think I might go for one of the kits that has the small 5ml bottles of different oils in, so not too much to wade through if I find I do actually like the Neroli best after all! (Which I think might turn out to be the case actually!) lol
I still haven't got round to trying the LE superskin products yet as I was worried they might be too rich for me but interesting that you do like them yet find the Decleor oils greasy, so that was actually quite helpful after all as it's made me think again about the LE at least! lol

Glad I could help KWC, I have combination skin and worried that the superskin would be too much but it can be re-balancing as well as moisturising. I also find the superskin moisturiser really light, I worried it would be too heavy for my combination skin but its not.
Tia - I love the sound of that Rose d'Orient, maybe it could sneak its way into my basket at some point as a luxury special 'treat' product, just in case I should need it at some point? Could be lovely come winter when your face takes a bit more of a hammering! :)

Bluebell - have to put the LE Supersking things on my (very long!) shortlist now!
I have quite weird skin actually, I don't think it's anywhere near as oily as I have always imagined it is (I think it's quite boringly 'normal' tbh!) but I am possibly the only person with a reverse t-zone, cheeks etc. OK but a very dry forehead! :rolleyes:
(That's how I got started with the oil really, dabbing it on my forehead.....! lol)
I find the Decleor oils and balms with a couple of other items have been my repeat purchases. I use to use Ylang ylang oil and balm, alternating with balm essential. Now I use neroli and balm essential. As previously said iris is for drier or mature skin. I use the oil under a variety of different moisturisers. The only one from Decleor which I use regularly from time to time is harmony essential.

I have heard Fiona, in the past, say that you can alternate oils for a month on and a month off. I recall reading on the Decloer website that balms are in place of a moisturisers. But, I could be wrong. I think it's also probably personal choice and what your skin can cope with. Mine doesn't like rich creams or too many layers so I wouldn't. I guess it also depends on what skincare issues you want to address.

Over the years my experience has been that finding the right products for your skin involves a lot of trial and error and what suits one person with similar sounding skin concerns might not suit me.
I use to use Ylang ylang oil and balm, alternating with balm essential. Now I use neroli and balm essential. As previously said iris is for drier or mature skin. I use the oil under a variety of different moisturisers.

Thank you, that's very helpful & I do seem to have finally been able to move away from the 'all or nothing' attitude to a range that I had previously & partly thanks to this lovely forum, have had the confidence to 'mix n' match' a bit more! :)

Over the years my experience has been that finding the right products for your skin involves a lot of trial and error and what suits one person with similar sounding skin concerns might not suit me.

It has taken a lot of trial & error (not to mention a fair few pennies! lol) but I do now seem to be finally pretty contented with my current routine, so I guess it was worth it in the end!
I am seeing some quite good results now & feel a lot less 'old' than I did previously! :)
Been using their Iris oil for a few weeks now and my skin is a lot smoother and better colour tone already. I'm 53 and funnily enough since the menopause my facial skin has not been so dry in fact I now have a slightly oily t-zone. However I don't find the Iris oil too rich, I use it morning and night and it does not "seep through" my make up nor leave a mess on my pillow so it must be being absorbed by my skin. Hope this helps.

Thanks for that link, what a saving - off to flex my credit card now !

Erics Mum - ta very much! :)
That link is brill isn't it, I shall have to spend even more money now ('tis all Tia's fault! lol), as I saw the Aromessence White on that site & I really want that now too! :54:
I'm sure that I've heard Ali Young say that teh oils can be used under any moisteuriser from any range. I've used the Neroli under all the Gatineau moisteurisers and it's worked absolutely fine.
Thank you, that's very helpful & I do seem to have finally been able to move away from the 'all or nothing' attitude to a range that I had previously & partly thanks to this lovely forum, have had the confidence to 'mix n' match' a bit more! :)

It has taken a lot of trial & error (not to mention a fair few pennies! lol) but I do now seem to be finally pretty contented with my current routine, so I guess it was worth it in the end!
I am seeing some quite good results now & feel a lot less 'old' than I did previously! :)

I've been through that all or nothing phase too. I think there is something about some products working in synergy with each other. Trouble was one thing would suit my skin and something else wouldn't. I cast an eye over the bathroom shelf today and it really is a mix and match lot. Everything from Dermalgica, Decleor to Simple.

You're spot on about the pennies too lol
I think AY has previously said that the only combination that wouldn't work is when combined with a glycolic product, as the acid would deactivate the essential oils.
Oh thanks Pootle - I didn't know that but I don't use any glycolic products, or at least I don't think I do! *looks a teensy bit confused & more than a bit stupid!* lol
(No, I don't, I'm sure I don't.....!) :6:

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