Debs and her "Wild West" look


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Feb 16, 2015
Is it fancy dress - and if so, what has Debbie Flint come as on the Yong Kim show? She is wearing head to toe differing shades of blue, with skin-tight denim jeans that have so many crossed lines, creases and wrinkles in them that they resemble the London tube lines map. She looks like an extra from a Western (The Good, The Bad & The Ugly?), and her "scruff of the week" look is complemented by flip-flops. Nice. The lovely(?) Ingrid is also wearing skin-tight, creased and crumpled jeans. The two of them look like a couple of bag ladies IMO - how Ingrid Tarrant can tell us that the range is "effortless designer dressing" when the two of them look as though they've spent the night in a ditch, I don't quite understand.
I get the impression she would wear anything if she thought it would generate one more sale.

Or if it was a freebie (as in weddings and cruises)
They will insist on wearing these tight legging type pants, Debbie in particular. Legwear like this should be reserved for the slim & long legged amongst us (I am NOT in that club).The Marla Wynn TSV trousers were straining at the seams on all but the skinniest of models. DF looks huge in these garments, which she probably isn't.Whatever happened to elegance?
Sadly a lot of women of a 'certain age' still want to be regarded as 'rock chicks', or to be thought of as a bit 'bohemian'. Some women can genuinely get away with it, but most definitely cannot. None of us want to dress like our Mums used to, - although when I look around the supermarket and see women of my age; short cropped hair, glasses, bit rotund, Hotter shoes, fleece, husband in tow, then I'm not so sure.
DF looks a thousand time better in the Ronni Nicole hour in a blue dress.Looks as though she has lost 2 stones.She is IMO not the build for these voluminous YK garments.
DF looks a thousand time better in the Ronni Nicole hour in a blue dress.Looks as though she has lost 2 stones.She is IMO not the build for these voluminous YK garments.

Yes I thought that, the blue colour really seems to suit her, much better than her usual leggings etc
Chloe with her skin tight whatever they are and her leopard ankle boots doesn`t look much better...just looks so drab and scruffy ..... do they have a full length mirror in their dressing rooms Oh I forgot they don`t need one they have the monitor on set to keep looking at themselves which case they should have all gone to Specsavers!!
DF looks a thousand time better in the Ronni Nicole hour in a blue dress.Looks as though she has lost 2 stones.She is IMO not the build for these voluminous YK garments.

Yes I thought that, the blue colour really seems to suit her, much better than her usual leggings etc

I was going to post the exact same thing! She suits a bright royal blue. The dress knocked stones and years off her. The only thing to detract were the ancient white peeptoe wedges. And I don't like that Lola Rose necklace she was wearing. Jilly's now wearing it on the Kipling hour.

I don't get why Debbie doesn't wear dresses more often. They are much more flattering for her figure than her preferred get-up of a loose tunic top and leggings.
I was going to post the exact same thing! She suits a bright royal blue. The dress knocked stones and years off her. The only thing to detract were the ancient white peeptoe wedges. And I don't like that Lola Rose necklace she was wearing. Jilly's now wearing it on the Kipling hour.

I don't get why Debbie doesn't wear dresses more often. They are much more flattering for her figure than her preferred get-up of a loose tunic top and leggings.

Maybe Debbie prefers the more casual look, she suits this look more at times! Some of these fashions, dresses look far too dowdy and ages most of the presenters! Wouldn't dare touch them, Lmao! :mysmilie_17:
These presenters (and guests) don't seem to grasp the point that if you are going to present a so-called "designer fashion hour", then looking like a bag of old clothes doesn't do much for the brand, nor does it give credibility to the spiel she is spouting. Bare feet and flip-flops, as though you've just stepped off the beach, don't add much cred. either. Nobody expects presenters to wear evening dresses, but their outfits should at least be flattering and fit them properly. There's casual and there's dragged through a hedge, and DF looked the latter. If she must wear trousers or leggings, why doesn't she get a pair that actually fit her? And Ingrid's jeans looked, if anything, even more wrinkled than DF's. Just proves once again that Q seem to have no stylists worth their salt, or that the presenters are so up themselves that they wouldn't listen to anyone else, anyway.

Same as the Nina Leonard hour - Debbie has no eye for colour at all.

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