Debbie Flint is very mid-leading with prices


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Jun 26, 2008
QVC is on in the background while I’m having coffee and planning my day.

All of a sudden I hear DF say that an item costs £11 (and change), which is Half Price !!! At this point I looked up thinking “unusual for them to flog something for £11.”

After a pause she went on to explain the MBG. THEN she said that if we keep it, the remaining £11 odd would be charged.

Seems to me she deliberately emphasised that the item costs £11, rather than make it clear it’s 2 easy payments of £11. She never once mentioned the actual price.

Am I alone in thinking this verges on dishonesty ?
Most of them seem to do that now. They just mention the first easy pay and say for £ you can get this home. And I have notice AY not even mentioning the twice, third or fourth £ you have to pay. It's up to you to pay attention and see the easy pays.
Same stock phrase pay just X today to get it home - No mention of the transportation X - Then you may get, if you like it just pay X to keep it.
If you look in the dictionary under “deceitful” there’ll be a picture of the gurning Debbie Flint.
Most of them seem to do that now. They just mention the first easy pay and say for £ you can get this home. And I have notice AY not even mentioning the twice, third or fourth £ you have to pay. It's up to you to pay attention and see the easy pays.

This really gets my goat. It’s bad enough presenters (DF being a major offender) would say something only costs £11 or whatever the first easy pay is, even worse when they say that’s what it costs you to get it home. It clearly does not - there is the little issue of carriage to your home so unless P&P is free, “to get it home” costs the EP plus P&P of £x. I am very surprised they’ve never been done for this, or at least reprimanded for it and told to cease the practice.
What she said this morning went beyond the ‘get it home for..,”. She actually said it was “half price” in that voice of hers that expresses incredulity, a very clear statement. That was her hook to get people interested and she quickly glossed over the second payment.
I have heard her do that before. She is quite deceitful at times. How she is still presenting is beyond me, as she will do anything for a sale - but then I guess I have just answered my own question there.
Yes it’s just half the price today. Come on buy more than one. Yes get one for a friend. You know someone will say you should have got me one. You can always get it then decide later who your going to give it too.

Oh yes what about the other monies Q will require later down the line?
So does that not really apply cause someone has grabbed it and confirmed their order.
Or have they snaffled it with your 15 minute rule.

Debs I know your stock phrases, but I don’t get taken in Petal!

She has always made me angry when she does this.

I think of all the old pensioners who think this is the full price. Q’s prices are so extortionate that it isn’t stupid to think it is the full price as that is the level you would pay in normal shops.

Someone really needs to take them to task.
One of Fibby Flints other stock phrase is "get yours now!!!" when in fact, it's not yours till you've paid for it, so she's trying to convince you it's already yours, you need it. Some of the things she's come out with in the past to get a sale, if it were any other job she'd have been sacked, that's if she wasn't in the QVC job for life. She's absolutely rancid.
Her delivery is no different to “Roll up, roll up” on a market stall selling fire/flood damaged stock. The price details on the left of the screen are no excuse for verbally drumming in the first EP only, especially as the price details have a changing screen, this practise needs to stop. The presenters frothing at the mouth to get the order number out should extend to the total amount incl. p&p customers will pay, no guff.
I noticed when she’s not around her pointy finger has got itself a new hand too. Yesterday it was residing itself on the hand of Miss Everton.
Have seen a few time when DF ( & others to be fair) has clearly indicated a TSV is selling fast & will not be available much longer.It has still been around at 10pm that night.
I’ve heard presentations in the midnight hour I’m sure said by Miss Flint on more than one occasion.
That if a certain colour/size/option is wanted, not to leave purchasing until the next live hours as it will not be available by then. She then goes on to point out that this hour is repeated throughout the night and close to the next live presentation hour, it usually gets really busy with orders, if the option hasn’t already sold out by then.
QVC is on in the background while I’m having coffee and planning my day.

All of a sudden I hear DF say that an item costs £11 (and change), which is Half Price !!! At this point I looked up thinking “unusual for them to flog something for £11.”

After a pause she went on to explain the MBG. THEN she said that if we keep it, the remaining £11 odd would be charged.

Seems to me she deliberately emphasised that the item costs £11, rather than make it clear it’s 2 easy payments of £11. She never once mentioned the actual price.

Am I alone in thinking this verges on dishonesty ?

Have you thought about reporting this to the ASA? It is very sharp practice, and they should be reprimanded, or fined, for playing fast & loose with the truth. Some of what they say appears to be blatant lying by omission.
After the first flurry on a TSV then things must slow down after the first hour.They are offering TSV’s days before more & more unless they have higher stock levels and then often go onto advanced orders.I would never sit up at midnight any more & if something had sold out I would’t be that bothered.
After the first flurry on a TSV then things must slow down after the first hour.They are offering TSV’s days before more & more unless they have higher stock levels and then often go onto advanced orders.I would never sit up at midnight any more & if something had sold out I would’t be that bothered.

Let’s face it brands are repeat that often these days and versions of the same get rolled out there’s not such a disappointment if you were to miss out, just see you again later :mysmilie_17:
As soon as they come out with “I’m loving the xxxxx colour/size/whatever” we know that that one is lagging behind in the sales and they have been told to push it and they couldn’t give a **** about it.

I’ve never worked in sales as I just couldn’t try to persuade/strong-arm someone into buying something I know isn’t right for them. I appreciate that staff are perhaps pressured by managers but I just couldn’t do it as I absolutely hate it when I get the hard sell in shops.
Alison Young has been doing this for years. Seems rife throughout the female presenters.

My visually impaired friend now tapes shows and has to ask family/friends to go through a show with her as she's been caught out several times as she can't read the graphics well.

Very, very misleading.

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