Hi All!
I’m a new poster here but have been a lurker for some time now.
Did anyone else see Steve Bennett introducing ‘Csarite’ yesterday evening at 7:00 p.m.? Apparently there has been a falling out between the Turkish diaspore mine owner and his finance backer. It would appear that the backer owns the trademark ‘Zultanite’ so the mine owner has had to give his product a new name and they have come up with the name ‘Csarite’. The CS stands for colour shift, Csar being a title like a Sultan (although that would mean spelling it with a CZ) and also it is the name of a thoroughbred horse – again spelt with a CZ and not CS.
If you have bought Zultanite in the past, you can still call it Zultanite, but from now on all stones coming from the mine will be known as Csarite.
Steve also intriguingly mentioned that someone ‘who comments regularly on Shopping Telly’ has been to see the mine and he is waiting for a report back from them….
OK own up! Anyone here had a trip out to the Anatolian mountains recently?!!!:sun: