I am beginning to change my thinking on a lot of the presenters nowadays. Ones I used to love now get on my nerves and some I never liked I've warmed to. Don't know what that is, maybe the moon has changed position or something! :wonder:
I used to like Claire, now her baby voice and softly softly way of presenting really gets on my nerves.
I used to like Pipa, now her voice, her yeah, yeah's & her general way of presenting annoy me - not sure why.
Same with Jilly, she keeps saying Ok, ok, because she can't think of anything to say, but I've never liked her as a presenter.
I never used to like Dale, too smarmy, I still find him smarmy so nothing's changed there.
I know a lot of people don't like Craig, but I don't mind him. I find him quite informative and interesting to listen to., he's chatty but not too chatty.
I never liked Charlie's way of presenting and I still don't, he's just tooooo slow in the way he speaks.
Miceal, nope, have never warmed to him, nor Anna, Carmel is only just ok.
I now like Anne Dawson since seeing her the other day with Ali Young, she seems like a lovely person, although perhaps not the greatest presenter and her voice is a bit grating.
Debbie I find irritating, whereas I never used to mind her too much.
Kathy comes across as a lovely person, her presenting skills have got so much better, she now seems more confident and should be on more shows during the day.
Jill Franks, I'm kind of neutral on her, her annoying ways get on my nerves & the hair flicking etc. but she's not the worst.
The only presenter I've stayed faithful to is Julia. She too may have her funny little ways (haven't we all) but she really is the best presenter, she comes across quite truthful, she'll advise if she doesn't think a particular product would be suitable for certain people, she is a delight to listen to.
What do others think about my choices?