I'm pretty sure that's the plan for the coated diamonds BUT they've been inundated with people contacting them so I guess you have to prioritise. Do you ignore those who contact you or do you deal with them first and then write to everybody? If somebody doesn't know today does it matter if they don't get a letter for a few weeks if they are treated the same in the end?
Because of st.com, the coated diamonds issue spiralled and GemsTV have been asked to look at Rubies, Alexandrite, Tsavorite, Diamonds, Tanzanites, Pearls, Padparadschas blah blah blah! So I think forum members alone have kept them busy for the past few months. They actually don't have to do this and could have kept it just for coated diamonds but they've decided to help if they've been asked. I personally couldn't have asked for more.
I'm speaking with Andrew tomorrow so I'll ask him if the plan is to send out letters for the coated diamonds.
Edit: I queried with Andrew why some of the pink diamonds were still showing as not coated and he confirmed that some of them are NOT coated so it could be that somebody is expecting a letter but are lucky enough to have the uncoated ones!