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Apr 27, 2009
What has happened to Craig's body ? He's wearing suits that are two sizes too small and can barely do up, his legs bend backwards, and he stands with one foot on tiptoe ! is he spending too much time at the gym. I saw all this a couple of days ago, (but I had trouble with this site in making a new thread) and he looked decidedly 'odd'.

I think gym bunnies have this problem - building up muscles, and then clothes look skin tight on them. There is a newsreader called Gamal on Sky and there are times when he's sitting that his trousers look fit to burst, - another example of over exercising. Perhaps buying larger clothes would help.
What has happened to Craig's body ? He's wearing suits that are two sizes too small and can barely do up, his legs bend backwards, and he stands with one foot on tiptoe ! is he spending too much time at the gym. I saw all this a couple of days ago, (but I had trouble with this site in making a new thread) and he looked decidedly 'odd'.

I think gym bunnies have this problem - building up muscles, and then clothes look skin tight on them. There is a newsreader called Gamal on Sky and there are times when he's sitting that his trousers look fit to burst, - another example of over exercising. Perhaps buying larger clothes would help.

Maybe Glenn Campbell styled him "to get a little story running through, right there?" Maybe he's switched to washing his clothes at 60c? Maybe he's trying to impress a man? Who knows? It could be many things. He's got that stocky body type - the opposite to mine (I'm tall and skinny) - something morph. Come to think of it, he does look a little like Morph - on steroids! LOOOOOOOOOL!
Perhaps he’s hurt his back. Or maybe he’s wearing that contraption they keep showing, that wraps around your waist and does something miraculous to your back. It’s probably quite bulky under close-fitting clothes.
I can agree with all the above, but then, when he's not wearing his too small suit and he wears a short sleeve shirt, the tightness of the small sleeve around the top of his arm looks positively painful !
I noticed the odd way he stands a few weeks ago and thought it most peculiar, I thought maybe his shoe was killing him and that's why he was standing more on the toe part of his foot than flat footed.
What has happened to Craig's body ? He's wearing suits that are two sizes too small and can barely do up, his legs bend backwards, and he stands with one foot on tiptoe ! is he spending too much time at the gym. I saw all this a couple of days ago, (but I had trouble with this site in making a new thread) and he looked decidedly 'odd'.

I think gym bunnies have this problem - building up muscles, and then clothes look skin tight on them. There is a newsreader called Gamal on Sky and there are times when he's sitting that his trousers look fit to burst, - another example of over exercising. Perhaps buying larger clothes would help.

I have a friend who is a serious gym bunny, and he cannot put his heels down when not wearing shoes, so when he's padding around barefoot at home, it's always on his tiptoes. I think if you are going for muscle size only, it's a common mistake. All these bodybuilders would do well to watch the classic Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary Pumping Iron where he actually talks about the need to include stretching as well.

I've noticed that Micéal also has a classic bodybuilder's physique as well. Perhaps because both Craig and Micéal are not exactly tall they have compensated by increasing their muscle mass.
The little Irish fella wears clothes that look too small as well, and make him look like he has an enormous head.
I noticed the odd way he stands a few weeks ago and thought it most peculiar, I thought maybe his shoe was killing him and that's why he was standing more on the toe part of his foot than flat footed.

Corns or Bunions?
I have a friend who is a serious gym bunny, and he cannot put his heels down when not wearing shoes, so when he's padding around barefoot at home, it's always on his tiptoes. I think if you are going for muscle size only, it's a common mistake. All these bodybuilders would do well to watch the classic Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary Pumping Iron where he actually talks about the need to include stretching as well.

I've noticed that Micéal also has a classic bodybuilder's physique as well. Perhaps because both Craig and Micéal are not exactly tall they have compensated by increasing their muscle mass.

That's really interesting MML. All very well to have a 'fine physique' at a young age, but could cause problems in older age. Like a lot of runners/athletes develop asthma, and those involved in contact sports like football/rugby end up having hip and knee replacements, is it all worth it ? lol !!! I still wonder why his legs bend backwards though !!!
That's really interesting MML. All very well to have a 'fine physique' at a young age, but could cause problems in older age. Like a lot of runners/athletes develop asthma, and those involved in contact sports like football/rugby end up having hip and knee replacements, is it all worth it ? lol !!! I still wonder why his legs bend backwards though !!!

I reckon overdeveloping the calves will give that kind of unbalanced look (and the tiptoes walking), particularly if the muscles at the front of the thighs are more developed than those at the back.

My friend is comfortably in his 60s now, and I don't think he's given up the gym. There is more and more evidence emerging that maintaining your strength with resistance exercise can help you age better and slower. You don't have to go and lift a bunch of free weights. Even doing pilates and yoga will qualify as resistance training as you are essentially using your own bodyweight for any weight bearing exercises.

Let's face it, everything we are told will be beneficial to our health has it's downside. We just have to make our own decisions about whether the benefit outweighs the risk. SPF is a perfect example: Wearing it will be anti-ageing and protective against skin cancer, but it can also risk vitamin D deficiency including developing rickets and weakening bones generally.
Totally agree with you MML. I'm knocking on the door of 70, and since retiring 12 years ago have walked my dog every day in all weathers without fail, and also do Pilates every week. Don't know if it helps, but I like to think so.

Today I learned about the husband of a friend who I used to see gently jogging around our village every day for years, never smoked and only had the occasional drink; suffered a life changing stroke at age 71, now in a wheelchair and paralysed down the left side. No rhime or reason for this healthiest of men now having to rely on his caring wife. Another case of having to deal with the cards we are dealt with in life.
Totally agree with you MML. I'm knocking on the door of 70, and since retiring 12 years ago have walked my dog every day in all weathers without fail, and also do Pilates every week. Don't know if it helps, but I like to think so.

Today I learned about the husband of a friend who I used to see gently jogging around our village every day for years, never smoked and only had the occasional drink; suffered a life changing stroke at age 71, now in a wheelchair and paralysed down the left side. No rhime or reason for this healthiest of men now having to rely on his caring wife. Another case of having to deal with the cards we are dealt with in life.

So true what you say, and well done! I don't think I do as well as you, but I definitely must get onto what I know will improve my long-term health. It's very sad indeed about your friend's hubby. As you say, there's no reason why him and not someone who has taken no care of themselves.

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