Cozee Home TSV 29/09/14


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Oooooooooh! I could be tempted but I have been managing washing and drying my only set on the same day all winter.
Perfect timing for me. Hubby just retired and we are decorating everywhere. Should have started on bedroom by then! I have wanted a set from cozee home for ages so hopefully i'll like the style and colours.
Can't wait for this - cozee home is the best thing I've bought from QVC. I call it "teddy bear bed"!
Has anyone noticed a difference with the feel of the fleece from different sets? I bought the original set and it's the softest feel against my skin. It's also larger and stretchier than another set with embroidery I bought (not that the embroidered set isn't lovely, just that the original was softer).

If this TSV is the teddy bear-type fleece that I missed out on last year, I really will be jumping to my phone!
Sorry to be the voice of negativity but as I had been bought a cozee home throw last Christmas and having fallen in love with it (it's not fleece it's more like a swirly, faux fur type fabric only nicer than that sounds!), I was tempted by everyone in here raving about the bedding sets and decided to take the plunge...

I was v concerned it would be sweaty and static but was assured it wouldn't be - and I am not v well so need to be in bed a fair bit... I hate the stuff! It IS static (my hair ends up in end!), and almost 'bobbly' to my skin - and just too darn hot! I should've known as I usually like a nice cotton percale so it's entirely my own fault...! Plus my friends took the micky for having grannie bedding ;) (They were only teasing dont be offended if you love it!)
Has anyone noticed a difference with the feel of the fleece from different sets? I bought the original set and it's the softest feel against my skin. It's also larger and stretchier than another set with embroidery I bought (not that the embroidered set isn't lovely, just that the original was softer).

If this TSV is the teddy bear-type fleece that I missed out on last year, I really will be jumping to my phone!

If you look on qvc some of the cozee home bedding is called micro fleece and some is called faux mink so I suspect those are the two different softnesses - I suspect the teddy bear one is the mink ;)
I didn't get on with it either, although Mr Akimbo thought it was ok which surprised me. The set I got was one white and one duck egg, 2 complete sets per TSV and it's the first time I've used bedding for a month but then returned it (fully laundered I hasten to add). What I missed was finding that cool spot with my feet if I feel hot, and the pillow case always feels warm and I tend to flip my pillow as I like the cool side on my face.

I can see that if you feel the cold at night, and you can't sleep if your feet are cold then the *Cozee brand would certainly suit and it washes and dries very easily.

* does anyone else read this as Cozzie, as in swimming costume? The attempt at a phonetic spelling isn't quite right. Just me?
I like the idea of this type of bedding but I know I wouldn`t get along with it. I get terrible night flushes and my duvet is off and on more times than a train conductor. Plus sleeping next to Mr Vienna is like having a two legged hot water bottle in bed, he seems to radiate heat. Most annoying when I`m having one of my hot flushes .....
I like the idea of this type of bedding but I know I wouldn't get along with it. I get terrible night flushes and my duvet is off and on more times than a train conductor. Plus sleeping next to Mr Vienna is like having a two legged hot water bottle in bed, he seems to radiate heat. Most annoying when I`m having one of my hot flushes .....

The great thing about the Q is that you can try it first. I don't just get flushes, I sweat streams - and I've found this to be the very best bedding for me. I was using high end Pima cotton bedding that felt like satin, BUT the moment it got damp it got stiff under me (not helped by my turning about every 45 mins so it would ruck up under me into a hard lump!). Fleece stays soft and if I flip it off me after a hot flush, it dries before it get pulled back on me. It's light (easy to flip on and off), warm (getting cold after a night sweat was a nightmare as I couldn't get warmed up quickly), and soft (so comfortable I just want to cozy into it).

I've used it every night for the last few years (no matter how warm it is), when someone here posted they wouldn't buy a man-made fabric for the bed - I knew it was for me as most of my clothing is fleece. I'm always cold until I get a flush, then it's drip-time! Plus I've been like this for the last 15 years so it's not just an age thing. All through the summer it's used without a duvet. I bought the original set (800285) which seems bigger than others I've bought since (and softer), so it's plenty big enough without the duvet in it to kind of dip between us, creating a barrier so OH half doesn't complain I'm overheating him nor does his heat affect me (unless I'm cold where I appreciate a 10-minute warm-up next to him.

I must admit that I haven't loved the embroidered sets as much as the originals. The embroidered ones don't pill when I haven't shaved my legs, which should be a plus, but to me they're not as soft as the set that pills a bit if I'm stubbly. I bought a de-pill comb from Lakeland and a quick rub with this and my sheet is back to teddy bear soft again. The duvet cover doesn't suffer any pilling.

I really, really wish I'd caught the set that was advertised as angel fleece (or something like), as this sounded right up my alley. Also gutted I didn't get the furry one when it was a TSV. Anyone have these and can comment on them?

I never know whether to chime in with glowing reviews like this as if someone buys something I've raved about and then is disappointed, I always feel responsible if they've wasted money. Having said that, it may just be the best money you've ever spent. Good luck if you decide to go for it.

PS the microfibre bedding Lidl sells is NOTHING like CH stuff. I thought I'd try it and really did find that too hot and, although it was soft and light. Weird.
I didn't get on with it either, although Mr Akimbo thought it was ok which surprised me. The set I got was one white and one duck egg, 2 complete sets per TSV and it's the first time I've used bedding for a month but then returned it (fully laundered I hasten to add). What I missed was finding that cool spot with my feet if I feel hot, and the pillow case always feels warm and I tend to flip my pillow as I like the cool side on my face.

I can see that if you feel the cold at night, and you can't sleep if your feet are cold then the *Cozee brand would certainly suit and it washes and dries very easily.

* does anyone else read this as Cozzie, as in swimming costume? The attempt at a phonetic spelling isn't quite right. Just me?

No to the cozie bit, but I can't use the pillowcases either. I kept my Pima cotton for that as it's very satiny and my hair doesn't get "caught" on it, causing frizz. I also like to turn my pillow during the night to find a cool spot. Oddly enough OH like the pillow cases.

I'd die if someone stuck their head in our bedroom door as my bed is a mix and match of fat pillows for OH and a low one for me - all with different pillowcases (not even matching colour, let alone tones!). When I first moved in, I made it a mission to "pretty up" the bed only for OH to fling cushions and throws all over the place, all the while muttering about a waste of time and money when no one sees our room. My lovely bed didn't last long!
No to the cozie bit, but I can't use the pillowcases either. I kept my Pima cotton for that as it's very satiny and my hair doesn't get "caught" on it, causing frizz. I also like to turn my pillow during the night to find a cool spot. Oddly enough OH like the pillow cases.

I'd die if someone stuck their head in our bedroom door as my bed is a mix and match of fat pillows for OH and a low one for me - all with different pillowcases (not even matching colour, let alone tones!). When I first moved in, I made it a mission to "pretty up" the bed only for OH to fling cushions and throws all over the place, all the while muttering about a waste of time and money when no one sees our room. My lovely bed didn't last long!

Oh I can identify with that. When we married 3 years ago we had gift cards and vouchers from people and I had a wonderful time buying nice bedding, matching cushions, curtains, throws etc. Hell knows why I bothered !
Mr Vienna goes to bed before me and then I nearly kill myself tripping up when I go to bed because he`s chucked cushions, throws and even pillows on the floor. He can`t be bothered taking things off the bed before he gets into it and placing things on a chair or in a corner, oh noooo, he gets into bed then just tosses stuff everywhere. It`s like an obstacle course. Bone idle bugger ..... grrrrr.
These husbands need training. My OH now flings all his bedding over onto my side of the bed where I quite happily hibernate in temperatures soaring into the hundreds and my feet stay lovely and toastie. My motto: never give up on intensive training where husbands and partners are concerned. It pays off in the long run.
These husbands need training. My OH now flings all his bedding over onto my side of the bed where I quite happily hibernate in temperatures soaring into the hundreds and my feet stay lovely and toastie. My motto: never give up on intensive training where husbands and partners are concerned. It pays off in the long run.

lol He was married for over 30 years to his late first wife, if she couldn`t train him in all those years, then I stand little chance. He says he forgets to take the stuff off the bed, yeah right ...
I have a couple of the micro fleece and one of the faux mink. I prefer the micro fleece. The faux mink takes longer to dry.

Damn! The faux mink was on EZ pay yesterday - but it's not today!! I wish they'd warn people how long the EZ pays are on for. Still, the original set is back for the first time for over a year so I think I'll ask for a spare set for my birthday next week (wow, I must be getting old - bedding for my birthday!).

DD - what's the mink like? Is it very soft and cozy? I think I can cope with the drying longer bit as I have a new secret weapon (see next paragraph :happy:).

I've always line-dried and aired mine enough to get back on the bed the same day, though I was airing on radiators (which I hate doing) during the worst of the winter. OH half bought me a Dry Soon electric airer as an anniversary present a few weeks ago to save me doing this and I can see I'm going to use it a lot. I have the Superking size and it's just too big to carry on airing like that.

For anyone wondering about these airers, they're fab. You need plenty of patience and time to hang (and then re-arrange for the fastest drying) - it's definitely not as easy as throwing something in a drier - but for a born laundry-on-the-line-lover like me, it's the next best thing to CH bedding! Draping my sheet over the whole thing so it covered all the rest of the stuff on there was a revelation. I couldn't believe the heat or how quick it all dried like that.
I have been thinking about buying the dry soon dryer lakeland sell a few sizes. More stuff to store in the house though.

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