Comedy gold!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Jun 18, 2012
You are an intern in the QVC product and marketing department. You manager asks you to come up with a list of ideas for new products to sell.

List your suggestions for novel QVC products that may, or may not, be just the ticket.

I will start of with a shampoo called: "Down There," it's designed to eradicate dandruff from intimate areas of the body. Obviously QVC's customers care greatly about their nether regions, with QVC having previously sold pubic hair dye, but what good is an auburn bush if it's flecked with flakes? 'Twould be like a mulberry bush in a snowstorm! You care enough to prevent it resembling a overused Brillo pad, so why not another product to take it to the next level?

I'm not quite if Jill Franks would be so quick to use her standby shtick of "I simply wouldn't BE without this / my girlfriends all complimented me on this over dinner" (Did they really, Jill?) hmmm.

How about a tongue scraper? I actually have one of these and very good it is, too.

What products would you create and which presenters would you recommend to sell them best?
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Just thinking about it, an alternative name for the shampoo could be: "Nether Say Nether!" Get it!?
At the risk of repeating myself, it's not just you.

And anyone only just looking at the forum for the first time today will wonder what we're all on about!


(I put two smiley faces on purpose, by the way!)

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