Personally I love a hot cloth cleanser and my skin is usually at its best when I'm using one. I have lots of early mornings with work and never have trouble with time fitting it into my routine, I don't think it's any slower than using a wash off cleanser really.
There's a lot of debate over whether Cleanse and Polish really is still the best out there, as there are much cheaper versions out there. As with any skincare, what suits one person will not suit another. It's certainly good stuff, but I'm not sure it justifies the price any more with the good competition now available.
Superdrug do 2 different hot cloth cleansers for around £5 and have generally good reviews on the net, but quite a lot mention the artificial smell to it. I haven't tried them, but I know some other people on here have. Personally I like the No 7 hot cloth cleanser, it's not as thick as C&P so spreads much more easily over the skin (good when you're in a rush) and it leaves my skin bright and radiant. You also get 200ml for £10 which is over half the price of C&P ,and with Boots offers and vouchers you can get it even cheaper.