Claire Sutton


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Before anyone says anything, yes, she has a disabled child and doubtless does loads for charity as well as having a very well-paid job (that we pay for with our purchases). But she confuses me and I don't like being confused. On the one hand we have the Barbie hair and curls and the little-girlie voice, and on the other hand we have boobs sticking out of so many of the tops she wears. What is her image supposed to be?
Before anyone says anything, yes, she has a disabled child and doubtless does loads for charity as well as having a very well-paid job (that we pay for with our purchases). But she confuses me and I don't like being confused. On the one hand we have the Barbie hair and curls and the little-girlie voice, and on the other hand we have boobs sticking out of so many of the tops she wears. What is her image supposed to be?

She said the other day someone called her Princess
Before anyone says anything, yes, she has a disabled child and doubtless does loads for charity as well as having a very well-paid job (that we pay for with our purchases). But she confuses me and I don't like being confused. On the one hand we have the Barbie hair and curls and the little-girlie voice, and on the other hand we have boobs sticking out of so many of the tops she wears. What is her image supposed to be?

Maybe that's just who she is?
You only have to go to the school gates of any primary school in Surrey to see plenty of women looking and acting exactly like Clare.

They are trying to be mummy to the kids, sexy to their partners and intelligent and professional at work - the trouble is that the roles kind of leak into one another sometimes.

Sometimes it's hard to be all things to all people.
I must be loosing my touch as I have not noticed Claire's boobs hanging out. The girlie voice is a big turn off.
Maybe I don't watch her long enough to notice what she is wearing, I seem to be watching less every day...
I did notice that Kathy T seem to be wearing very odd unflattering clothes atm.
You only have to go to the school gates of any primary school in Surrey to see plenty of women looking and acting exactly like Clare.

They are trying to be mummy to the kids, sexy to their partners and intelligent and professional at work - the trouble is that the roles kind of leak into one another sometimes.

Sometimes it's hard to be all things to all people.

You can be all those things, doesn't mean you need a different persona for every one. You can be sexy and intelligent as one person, you don't need to act sexy, then act intelligent because if you were truly these things and it was not an act, then they'd shine through, and no, there were never any overtly sexy, blond, childish, giggly mummies with their knockers hanging out at our school gates.
I imagine it's what most men want from a wife, yummy mummy, domestic goddess, hore in the bedroom.

Something alone the style of Nigella Lawson.
Before anyone says anything, yes, she has a disabled child and doubtless does loads for charity as well as having a very well-paid job (that we pay for with our purchases). But she confuses me and I don't like being confused. On the one hand we have the Barbie hair and curls and the little-girlie voice, and on the other hand we have boobs sticking out of so many of the tops she wears. What is her image supposed to be?

Totally agree with you, I've no idea what act she's putting on. You never know which cleavage Sutton you're going to get, giggly, childish woman that says wicked and down with the kids one hour, cleavage booby showing sexy woman the next.
Normally women put on the boobs-on-view, girlie, giggling girl-woman act to get male attention, while the people she wants to buy whatever she's selling are mainly female. And you don't see those yummy mummies in my neck of the woods, either. Nor do you get them speaking with silly voices and saying, "Wicked" like a ten-year-old.

Will the real Claire Sutton please stand up (preferably wearing a high neckline). You're probably quite a nice person underneath all of that, so there's no need for the silly act.
I think she's in danger of looking a bit "drag queeny".

She really needs to tone the make up down,cover up a bit and chop that hair!!
Yummy Mummies ????? where ? certainly not at the school gates that I pass when walking the dog. The 'mummies' are generally on the larger size of plump in baggy tops and leggings or man size jeans, pale as pastry with no make up, hair scraped back, and hanging onto a pushchair.

I'm not over exaggerating my description, but it did make me think back to my own Mum at the school gates - circa early 1950's. All the ladies then sported Ava Gardner hairstyles, and all had a slick of lipstick, weight was never an issue because of rationing, so the summer dresses (making a comeback now) were all worn with a flattering belt. There was even less money around in those days - no benefits to fall back on either, but regardless of whether it was a pick up at school, a visit to the hospital or doctor, a treat out to the cinema or theatre, they all made an effort to look lovely, and certainly didn't have their breasts on parade either !
Normally women put on the boobs-on-view, girlie, giggling girl-woman act to get male attention, while the people she wants to buy whatever she's selling are mainly female. And you don't see those yummy mummies in my neck of the woods, either. Nor do you get them speaking with silly voices and saying, "Wicked" like a ten-year-old.

Will the real Claire Sutton please stand up (preferably wearing a high neckline). You're probably quite a nice person underneath all of that, so there's no need for the silly act.

You're right, she's very sexual on screen especially when she's got a male guest with her, it is put on because when she's with a woman guest she tones it down a lot....................I wonder if they named the last make-up TSV after her.
Yummy Mummies ????? where ? certainly not at the school gates that I pass when walking the dog. The 'mummies' are generally on the larger size of plump in baggy tops and leggings or man size jeans, pale as pastry with no make up, hair scraped back, and hanging onto a pushchair.

I'm not over exaggerating my description, but it did make me think back to my own Mum at the school gates - circa early 1950's. All the ladies then sported Ava Gardner hairstyles, and all had a slick of lipstick, weight was never an issue because of rationing, so the summer dresses (making a comeback now) were all worn with a flattering belt. There was even less money around in those days - no benefits to fall back on either, but regardless of whether it was a pick up at school, a visit to the hospital or doctor, a treat out to the cinema or theatre, they all made an effort to look lovely, and certainly didn't have their breasts on parade either !

Sadly times have changed. Some things for the better. I certainly could not do rationing whilst holding down a full time job with 2 kids under 5 like I do now. My income pays our mortgage. Only have time to bake at weekend's and that's once hubby and I have cleaned the house from top to bottom.

I only went full time in February... first time in 5 years. I did the school run 2 days out of 5. I wore casual clothes and make up to do it, whilst pushing a pram. I was probably the only one who did wear make up, that's because I was used to looking presentable for work and could not get out of the habit.

However I find these comments outdated. I don't know where you live Brissles but it isn't the same as where I live. Most of the mum's take pride in their appearance at my son's school. Many of them work. Hardly any of them are on benefits.

As for wearing dresses with belts on the school run- well thank God we don't have to! Dresses and skirts for me are reserved for when I am in court or a meeting. For the school run I will be comfortable thank you. Times have changed. I realise there are some car-wrecks of school mum's out there... but not every mum at every school falls into your generalisation.
Our local schools have a cross-section of families: professional/white collar/blue collar/manual or however you want to describe them. The odd yummy mummy would stick out like a sore thumb. Most of them have time only to drop the children off then drive on immediately, dressed in whatever is appropriate for their line of work, mainly trousers and some sort of top or a uniform. Those on benefits or low incomes generally dress casually in jeans or leggings. As do some of those who are on higher incomes.
Our local schools have a cross-section of families: professional/white collar/blue collar/manual or however you want to describe them. The odd yummy mummy would stick out like a sore thumb. Most of them have time only to drop the children off then drive on immediately, dressed in whatever is appropriate for their line of work, mainly trousers and some sort of top or a uniform. Those on benefits or low incomes generally dress casually in jeans or leggings. As do some of those who are on higher incomes.

That was the same at our school when my children were young. Most woman were middle class women like myself, who would drop our children off in our work clothes or if it was our day off we were jeans and t-shirts sort of girls. The yummy mummies dressed with class, didn't need the masses of blonde hair, giggly persona and boobs on show to prove they were yummy. I'm including myself in that because if I say so myself, I was quite yummy back in the day.............still am I hope :up::rock::giggle:
Sadly times have changed. Some things for the better. I certainly could not do rationing whilst holding down a full time job with 2 kids under 5 like I do now. My income pays our mortgage. Only have time to bake at weekend's and that's once hubby and I have cleaned the house from top to bottom.

I only went full time in February... first time in 5 years. I did the school run 2 days out of 5. I wore casual clothes and make up to do it, whilst pushing a pram. I was probably the only one who did wear make up, that's because I was used to looking presentable for work and could not get out of the habit.

However I find these comments outdated. I don't know where you live Brissles but it isn't the same as where I live. Most of the mum's take pride in their appearance at my son's school. Many of them work. Hardly any of them are on benefits.

As for wearing dresses with belts on the school run- well thank God we don't have to! Dresses and skirts for me are reserved for when I am in court or a meeting. For the school run I will be comfortable thank you. Times have changed. I realise there are some car-wrecks of school mum's out there... but not every mum at every school falls into your generalisation.

Oh lighten up ! I didn't intend for everyone to go on the defensive about how they look when picking up the kids ! I made my own observations; and as for times changing for the better, well, I don't think its 'outdated' Weathergirl to mention that in the 50's we went to school on our own, some of us from infant age, and came home on our own without the need of parents picking us up until we were early teens.
It must be harder and harder to sell on Q these days. They certainly aren`t the cheapest, their stock appears to be dwindling, their p and p is crippling and their CS often leaves a lot to be desired, let alone the fact they now have to compete with more and more online shops so I reckon Claire ( and others ) are simply trying every trick in the book to up their sales, even if it means putting their boobs on show.
Facebook pages, presenter blogs, chats about their home life and photos of their dogs etc etc are all efforts to make their customers see them as friends and not mere sales people. Claire and the other presenters certainly aren`t in the first flush of youth, they`re hanging on by their fingertips, any previous showbiz or media careers are now gone and Q might be their last chance saloon to have their faces on telly even if they have to act a part or present a certain image to stay there.
I get the feeling that Q have been kicking a few bums, Claire and Chuntley are flashing their chesticles, Chloe and Dawbags have been attempting to smarten up too, AY has donned the beauty expert uniform trying to look all professional, Charlie has been hitting the botox, Jill has become even thinner which is much sought after on American prime TV a la Guilano Rancic and all in all I think some of them are fearing for their jobs. Time will tell.
We used to go to school on our own arm bands to light the way in the winter ....(we were evicted from a hole in the ground ) ...sorry I digress that's a monty Python sketch lol ....desperate times and desperate friend has a financial adviser visit and she said how gorgeous he was ......she went all gooey lol ...:mysmilie_19: And she bought what he offered ( oh matron ) ....

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