Centigrade Zzzzzzz


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Dec 8, 2010
The same boring old Centigrade mac TSV has been dug up yet again. This must mean summer has finished (I must have missed it).

As for Glen, what does he look like in that check jacket, bow tie and half mast jeans? He's doing his Halifax Howard impression again.
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wheres you boater hat glen lol..i quite like this brand but i dont do these short mac things.
Did you see Glenn at 9am wearing his trousers turned up at the ankle about 4 inches no socks and a hankie round his neck rolled up and tied in a bow/knot thing looks like he has left his rowing boat somewhere what an outfit not a good look for TV I have an inkling he does all this to get talked about as he knows we will rise to the bait so in future I will look have a giggle but not talk about him if I can help it but never say never IYKWIM
NO SOCKS !!! gawd I wouldn't want to be upwind of him when he takes his shoes off !!! nothing makes closed in shoes more stinky than bare feet, ugh !
At last night's TSV launch, I was wondering where he'd parked his ice cream cart. This morning I'm concerned as to the welfare of his gondola if he's left it tied to a lamp post in Chiswick :eek::p

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The same boring old Centigrade mac TSV has been dug up yet again. This must mean summer has finished (I must have missed it).

As for Glen, what does he look like in that check jacket, bow tie and half mast jeans? He's doing his Halifax Howard impression again.[/QUOT

Have to say I don't mind Glen,but he did look like Antthony's grandad last night !:cheeky:
Yes I don't mind Glen either...but I am begining to think he makes it hard to stick up for him!!!!

As for the TSV...how many times can they re-create this jacket/look??

I really do love purple but it does make me laugh how they keep saying the purple and the blue are the "fashion" colours.They're obviously not reading the same magazines as me,that are telling me maroon/claret/burgundy/Bordeaux is winter's latest must have colour!!
Apart from his clothes, that hairy crap round his face really ages him. I don't know why men do that to themselves. I don't know about him making comments about women of age. He looks like a man of age, and then some. And those clawlike hands that keep poking out at us. It's getting like a second Richard Jackson.
I used to watch him on this morning, years ago, but he seems to have lost the plot somewhere and
is trying too hard to be what he thinks is trendy. Someone should tell him to tone it down, i feel
embarrassed for him dressed like that. He surely doesn"t see people dressed like him anywhere in
the fashion " circle"
His bizarre attire is probably aimed at distracting you from the mundanity of the TSV :talking: It must be difficult to enthuse over QVC's dreary fashion offering. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, not matter how you dress it up or down or team it with a little pump.
TSV is a complete snore-a-rama & Glen looked a complete & total plonker IMHO........he probably thinks he looks like one of the cool hip designery types from Ugly Betty but in reality he bears more than a passing resemblance to the Chuckle Brothers.....& I'm 51 FFS, I don't need to be told a) why I need a coat in the first place or b) how to wear one to its best advantage, I figured both those things out several decades ago......!
must admit i was puzzled when i heard the voice this morning .. i knew who's voice it was but thought it must be some old bloke they have doing the fashon now.. i was completly stunned when i read on here it was glen... what in gods name has he done to himself

sorry glen but you have seriously let yourself go .. i thought maybe he was in panto or summat & thats why he looked like that .. seemingly not
Glen looked like a victim of "care in the community", as if he'd been turfed out of supported housing and left to make his way in a hostile and uncaring world. And as for the "coats", why do they call a flimsy shapeless thing that ends mid thigh a "coat"? I reckon that is a jacket. I am in the market for a mac as my last one gave up the ghost after all the appalling non stop rain. I want one that comes to my knees to keep most of my legs dry and I want one that looks stylish not as has already been mentioned, like something Hayley Cropper would wear. Anyway have been looking on the dreaded high street and have seen some lovely ones so yet again Q misses out on my cash.

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