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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Considering what the shows were like in the early days when all the presenters turned up in their finery, this was like something cobbled together in the village hall !   All the 'extras' on show were probably shipped down from the Call Centre,  not forgetting the two main brand ambassadors of everything, to plug the gaps and grinning manically on cue - especially Mrs Bethlehem Lights !

Tins of Churchill biscuits with a fiver off, is hardly 'leaping to the phones' stuff, and doesn't compare to the 14ct gold opal pendant and chain I purchased for £28 (half price) in one of the earlier BCC shows, or the pink Kipling bag for £14.

Sorry, for a pretty high octane charity, this was an abysmal offering from Q, and it should be quietly done away with, with Q sending a cheque without the fanfare.
