blooming cheek !


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Jun 26, 2008
How can QVC justify charging nearly £15 inc p&p for 3 annual geraniums which look like rooted cuttings in 3 inch pots and will need a lot of growing-on before they are ready to flower ? Geraniums root in water within a few days. Very difficult to keep over-winter.

They're not even double flowers, just singles which lose petals very quickly so they soon look a mess. Just because they're a named variety rather than the "common or garden" colours you get at the garden centres.

Shame on QVC if they are targeting (a) the novice gardener who trusts RJ's advice and QVC's buying power (b) gardeners who don't live within easy reach of a garden centre or who are not fully mobile and rely on mail order.

As for RJ, surely he knows what a complete rip-off most of the QVC plants are yet he flogs them with such gusto. If I were in his situation I would dis-associate myself from QVC.
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That's daylight robbery.
I've just thrown away a clipping I'd kept from the Daily Mail.
It was an advert for 24 geraniums for £4.99, free p&p, think it was an Unwin's advert. There are similar ads every weekend at the moment in the papers.

The geraniums I over winter always need chopping back at this time of year, to stop them getting leggy, & I get loads of cuttings just by chopping the off cuts into small pieces & putting them round the edges of flower pots filled with gritty compost.
He's at it again on the 11pm show. Flogging magnolias that can flower "upto 3 times a year" - I have never ever seen a magnolia flower more than once a year.

Liatris - "flowers all summer from the end of May" - I grow these and they are well known for adding colour in late summer into autumn. The flowers take ages to form and build colour and they all open more or less within a couple of days of each other. When they've finished they're done for the year, no repeat flowering.

Sorry if I appear to be mounting a witch hunt, gardening is my "thing" and his lies or lack of knowledge really leap out at me. Must stop watching.

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