Thanks for that recommendation. Those cloths look good. I've been using Nilaqua/Waterless (if you search either of those they'll pop up direct or on Amazon) on days where I either find it very difficult to get about or if the fatigue makes the effort of a shower unappealing.
I like Freshwipes and, like you, usually go direct when they send an offer or get a single pack from Amazon. I think they have the edge as they have BZK and Chlorhexidine. Both kill the bacteria on the skin that causes whiffs but Chlorhexidine is known to stay on the skin and keep killing bugs. If I'm only going a day without a shower I'll use bed wipes (Carell was recommended by my physio) that don't have anti-microbial ingredients as they're simply not needed.
I surgeon I worked with would always prescribe a bottle of Hibiscrub to his patients to be used a minimum of 5 days before a planned operation. He'd tell patients that he would not operate unless they used it as he had a 100% infection-free post-op rate. He was the only surgeon in the hospital with that score. He also recommended the pink Clinell Chlorhexidine wipes for a bed bath while recovering in hospital. I think he must have had shares in the Chlorhexidine factory
My niece's dermatologist recommended Hibiscrub and Clinell Chlorhexidine wipes (pink pack) to use on her chest and back acne and it has cleared up quite a bit since using them. She has to use Freshwipes when she can't get the Clinell ones. Hers is a different health board to the ones I worked for. None of the derms recommended these at mine so I assume it's personal preference and experience when it comes to prescribing.
I used to like to see the doctors prescribing off label stuff. Or even old-fashioned remedies. One otologist would frequently recommend warmed olive oil for ear problems (not the cooking stuff). He'd tell patients to put the bottle on their radiator for half an hour before using and they'd always return pleased with their treatment. Salt water gargles were always recommended over Corsodyl for oral or throat troubles by one ENT for certain problems. Corsodyl would be the second suggestion if salt water didn't get an improvement in a few days.
Back to wipes, does anyone here cut their wipes? I sometimes do if I'm just using them for pits and bits (Nilaqua do another range called Pits & bits marketed to festival-goers). My skin gets irritated if I mess around with it too much so my arms, legs and much of my body don't get the wipes treatment.
Having a shower is a joy and feels so luxurious when I have one after using wipes, though. They do a job but will never replace good old soap and water. Though I never use soap these days. I stick mostly to ABC and the Active (haha. Oh, the irony!) versions of Femfresh and Superdrug body wash.