AY on the TSV show


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Jul 8, 2011
Just thought how nice she looked in her black &white dress and then...........caught a glimpse of her legs and feet. She looks just like Minnie Mouse. Give her a pair of mouse ears and she could get a job in Disneyland.
I don't mind the Minnie Mouse look and have been known to do it myself. Although I draw the line at opaques with peep toes. Although that could be because I find peep toes the most ****** uncomfortable shoes ever.

It is fashionable these days to do opaques with lighter shoes so Ali isn't the only one.
I wish she wouldn't wear those orange peep toe shoes with black/navy opaque tights. Its just not right!

Her tights looked all clicked too; her dress sense is truly awful and she insists on sitting with her legs apart. They need to get new furniture for that set; somehting filled in.
She just never gets the outfits just right does she. I often wonder if she looks in the mirror before she leaves her dressing room...and she must never look at herself in the monitors when she is presenting. Then again she maybe doesn't see what we do, and probably thinks she looks ok.
I thought she was interrupted quite rudely by the guest a lot last night. In fact the NI woman was seriously getting on my nerves!
I quite like the fact that she doesn't seem to get it quite right & isn't that bothered, find it more endearing than the ones who are so up themselves.
At least she doesn't take herself too seriously & is entertaining to watch as you never quite know what she's going to come out with. Her voice used to drive me nuts but I find myself enjoying watching her more & more these days in preference to many others.
It makes me laugh when ive searched for Qvc on youtube,alot of ''legs and stocking'' shots of Debbie flint and crew recorded by some perv lol
Just watched a few minutes of the ojon show and that few minutes was quite enough. She was talking over the guest non stop and he seemed to be a bit annoyed at this, who can blame him.
She was an utter disgrace on the last NI show and the Ojon show. If I had been the bird putting on the NI colours ( is it Vanessa?) I couldnt have been held responsible for where I shoved the polish bottles. On the Ojon show she was her usual rude, obnoxious self, the guy was seriously not finding her funny or quirky.

Oh and her shoes were obviously killing her, she was practically clining on to the shelf thing.

Her sell by date is well past.
All she seemed to go on about in the Ojon show was the supposed fake tan on the guy's hand. He told her it was from weight lifting but no on she went about fake tan. He had callouses on his palms which had a yellowish hint.

Oh and her dress was too short, sorry Ali you do not have the knees for it.
I would love to see her trying to totter along on those heels she wears as I guarantee she cannot walk in them properly.Her fashion taste is getting worse IMO & she dosen't have a clue. Just a mess really.:sad:
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