Am I the only one to think that these 'ere automatic soap dispensers are verging on paranoia.
You'll never have to touch a filthy soap dispenser again, just think of all the germs on the pump. Ok, there is that, BUT surely what comes out of them, soap, you'll promptly use to wash yer mitts, and hey presto..bye bye germs! It's how you dry your hands I would have thought was more important, 'cause it's all very well washing your hands only to dry them on a filthy roller towel, or touching a filthy door handle that's been used by someone who hasn't bothered to wash their hands at all!
I must admit I do carry a small tube of hand sanitiser in my handbag for when I'm out and have to use public facilities.
Did anyone see the demo for the automatic soap pump, they couldn't get the damn thing to work unless they turned the studio lights right down, it was quite amusing!
You'll never have to touch a filthy soap dispenser again, just think of all the germs on the pump. Ok, there is that, BUT surely what comes out of them, soap, you'll promptly use to wash yer mitts, and hey presto..bye bye germs! It's how you dry your hands I would have thought was more important, 'cause it's all very well washing your hands only to dry them on a filthy roller towel, or touching a filthy door handle that's been used by someone who hasn't bothered to wash their hands at all!
I must admit I do carry a small tube of hand sanitiser in my handbag for when I'm out and have to use public facilities.
Did anyone see the demo for the automatic soap pump, they couldn't get the damn thing to work unless they turned the studio lights right down, it was quite amusing!