Devil’s advocate here - but if you worked for a company who was forever throwing expensive freebies at you on the condition that you “put the word out” about how wonderful the stuff is, be seen to be wearing/using/displaying it -would you say no? I know I wouldn’t
I can’t say I’ve liked the smug and boastful ways in which the presenters have dealt with the brief, so to speak - they’ve gone completely over the top and instead of inspiring customers, they’ve alienated and annoyed them.
It’s actually quite shocking that it’s taken customers to recognise how inappropriate this kind of behaviour is at a time like this, and not the company itself. Whether the presenters have since been given a memo to “rein it in” or they’re doing it off their own bat after reading our comments is neither here nor there - The damage has been done.
IMO the blame lies squarely with Q . To me it seems basic-Don’t alienate your customers, and don’t turn your presenters into figures of hate - some of them do a good enough job of that already!