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Reading the thread on the red button made me realize I only watch QVC on the telly. All this talk of tapping the ap irritates the pants off me because I have absolutely no desire to tap anything. How does everyone else watch QVC? Tablet? Iphone? Telly? what?
One eye on the telly with sound off. I use tablet to look for things or look at photos of what was on previously but it is very rare for me to watch via tablet.

Not interested in apps of any description and certainly not Q as assume it will be as rubbish as the webshite
I`ve never tapped an ap !
I might watch the odd tsv launch on the telly after hubby has gone to bed but only if its something I`m interested in. Other than that, I check the day`s programmes on the tv guide via my pc and rarely, very rarely, I might buy something but once again, only if it`s something I need. Q would be bankrupt if all their customers were like me.
I've never tapped an App either (what are they ?) - have never twittered, and Facebook is also totally alien to me. My phone and tele aren't 'smart' - I still use a landline for most of my calls, I have a map in the car and a tongue in my head instead of a Satnav ! AND I'm still functioning ! oh yes, I also "touch-type" properly having learned the hard way with a shield over my fingers when typing on an old Remington - how many can claim to do THAT ?????
I do tap the app but don;t watch through app. these days tend to watch with sound off!App not always in sync with what is on tv in my experience.
I've never tapped an App either (what are they ?) - have never twittered, and Facebook is also totally alien to me. My phone and tele aren't 'smart' - I still use a landline for most of my calls, I have a map in the car and a tongue in my head instead of a Satnav ! AND I'm still functioning ! oh yes, I also "touch-type" properly having learned the hard way with a shield over my fingers when typing on an old Remington - how many can claim to do THAT ?????

Mine was an Imperial, and it's still going.
I've never tapped an App either (what are they ?) - have never twittered, and Facebook is also totally alien to me. My phone and tele aren't 'smart' - I still use a landline for most of my calls, I have a map in the car and a tongue in my head instead of a Satnav ! AND I'm still functioning ! oh yes, I also "touch-type" properly having learned the hard way with a shield over my fingers when typing on an old Remington - how many can claim to do THAT ?????
We had to make "aprons "for our typewriter which was tied around it and our hands went under the material so we couldn't look at the keys.

Did you also type to the record where they ended with "carriage return"?

Most of the above will be like a foreign language to anyone under 60 and not a touch typist
I work in technology so, automatically, installed the app. God knows where it is, though.
We had to make "aprons "for our typewriter which was tied around it and our hands went under the material so we couldn't look at the keys.

Did you also type to the record where they ended with "carriage return"?

Most of the above will be like a foreign language to anyone under 60 and not a touch typist

You ain't kidding ! the same way that all this new teccy talk could be from Mars to us !!!

I even worked on a revolutionary electric typewriter that as you typed, the words scrolled across the top of the keyboard in a luminescent green - not unlike those messages that appear in doctors surgeries ! I thought it was really hi tech at the time, as it had been featured on Tomorrows World !!!! (no-one under 50 will be remember THAT prog) !
I do not own a IPhone or is a smart phone??? I don't even have the web connect to my phone, can't be bothered, oh it looks like a Blackberry but a cheap version. So no I don't tap the app, on have QVC on TV I could watch on the laptop but never do.

Brissles I used one of those back in the 80s.

For some reason I just hate touch screen typing, not sure if its because I trained as a touch typist with the old RSA and updated with the OCR certificates? But I like my fingers on real keys and prefer the Blackberry style phones.
I always order via the website even on my phone or iPad, sometimes it won't work so I try the app, the other day that happened so I tapped the app but when I went to check out I decided to reduce the quantity but there was no way to do that so I emptied my basket and re-added only for it to be sold out
Memories, memories! I learned to touch type on an old sit-up-and-beg Imperial typewriter to a record (yes, an actual 78rpm), Nellie The Elephant or something silly, with cardboard tied over the keys so we had to look at the book we were typing from. I did an advanced course in electric typing - an old Golfball typewriter - anyone remember them? They were the latest hi-tec stuff on the market at the time. When my children were still at a malleable age I made them sit in front of a keyboard and type from the screen. It lasted a whole summer holiday and they HATED it but now they all say it was the most useful skill anyone taught them for office work.
I learned to touch type - we didn't have anything covering the keyboard as far as I remember - but I can still hear the teacher saying over and over, the letters f and j - as we constantly pounded those letters up and down, not quite sure why just those two letters stick in my mind! I can also still hear her in my mind saying 'carriage return'. In work, I eventually had a golfball typewriter after years of just using a sit up and beg typewriter. It was like 'oh my God, how great is this - I love it!'. How times change. To answer your query thatu - no I have never tapped an app, and watch QVC on the telly, or sometimes on the computer, however, not as much a I used to, as it just seems to be groundhog day now.
Yep, you're right about the skill - it was THE lasting skill that I was taught at school and still use. Banging on keys on the manuals, gentle touching on the electrics, golf balls and interchangeable pinwheels for the different fonts. I expanded my skills in a TYPING POOL in the 60's at a huge pharmaceutical company (think Viagra), and rose through the ranks from lowly copy typist to the grown up job of audio typist! the audio recordings came from huge LP size audio discs that were recording on a bank of machines, then replayed on the machine at my desk !

Sounds positively Dickensian now, but hey, we had the weekends to look forward to, dancing to Georgie Fame, Alan Price, Kinks, Beatles, Billy J et al - those were the days !!!! and not a binge drinker in sight.
I'm under 50, remember Tomorrows World, was taught touch typing though not as strictly as mentioned by others here, my own sister was one of the top typists in the town 'back in the day'. I use the PC, browsing, never the tv but the app sometimes when I can't sleep.
We had to make "aprons "for our typewriter which was tied around it and our hands went under the material so we couldn't look at the keys.

Did you also type to the record where they ended with "carriage return"?

Most of the above will be like a foreign language to anyone under 60 and not a touch typist

Yes!! I also remember often being thankful for the 'margin release' key which allowed you to type a few extra characters after you'd reached the margin stop when you'd miscalculated fitting a word on to the line (or not dividing it properly). I also remember cutting 'stencils' for the duplicator!
[mum writes]
So many memories! I worked on the local rag for 15 years and I remember all of the above and clustering round the brand new telex machine to watch the first ever printing of an article sent electronically to the paper for publication. I also remember how bloomin' noisy it all was! Those golfball printers should have come with earplugs! We also had a pre-email system of message exchange that consisted of long rubber belts that ran across the office ceilings, all connected by pulleys! Slow but you could have fun watching a message working its way across the office to you.

[me now]
I used to go in with her on a Saturday afternoon and was the runner for the football scores - back in the days when little uns would have been allowed to help out. I used to collect the scores on paper and drop them down a plastic tube that went three floors down to the typesetters. I used to watch it go all the way to the bottom and then a hand would take it away. I never did find out who owned that hand! But it worked - no batteries to run out and it never crashed!

Anyway, to answer the original question - always watch on the telly but often order via the website as we use the basket until we've made our minds up :)
Reading the thread on the red button made me realize I only watch QVC on the telly. All this talk of tapping the ap irritates the pants off me because I have absolutely no desire to tap anything. How does everyone else watch QVC? Tablet? Iphone? Telly? what?

I'm strictly old skool, I watch it on the tv and I order on my computer, simply because I.can shove somethng in my basket while I think about it, then I google it and find it elsewhere with free delivery. I don't really watch much now though because the hard sell of the presenters drive me nuts.

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