Andy Hodgson- In a different league to the other Bid/Sit up presenters!


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Nov 19, 2012
Just flicked over to Bid TV, Andy's presenting & have to say it reminds me of how it used to be years ago when I last watched Bid regularly, witty, honest & well researched & presented items! If he does just do the odd show now I bet Bid wish they still had him as a regular!! Andy's in a completely different league to the other shonky, embarassing, ill informed, con merchants they have now.

Oh & on both items I've seen him selling he's openly spoken about the p&p & call charge! Even included it in the overall price of the latter item! Ahhh we miss you Andy, honest guy & a genuine laugh!
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Just flicked over & have to say it reminds me of how Bid used to be years ago, witty, honest & well researched & presented items! If he does just do the odd show now I bet Bid wish they still had him as a regular. Andy's in a completely different league to the other shonky, embarassing, ill informed, con merchants they have now.

I totally agree with what you say Nikki. The only slight reservations I have is that I believe Andy used to be the head of presentation and understand he was in post when all the shenanigans started so that makes me wonder if he had some involvement in forming the tactics?. I also wonder whether he isn't under the same sort of pressure as the others as, like you say, his presentations are like night and day. They could almost be for a reputable shopping channel.
Couldn't agree more. Every time he sells an item for £1 he always says to factor in the P & P and call charges and its at your door for a tenner. He just won't insult the viewers with bullshit, nonsense and heavy pressure selling.
I totally agree with what you say Nikki. The only slight reservations I have is that I believe Andy used to be the head of presentation and understand he was in post when all the shenanigans started so that makes me wonder if he had some involvement in forming the tactics?. I also wonder whether he isn't under the same sort of pressure as the others as, like you say, his presentations are like night and day. They could almost be for a reputable shopping channel.

I see Wirral, I didn't know Andy was Head of Presentation at Bid at one time. Hmmm with companies it's impossible to make a call though. Sometimes it's the peeps at the very top that have their own agenda & put others in place as their mouthpiece so I guess we'll never know if the current mis-selling, shouting & sometimes general sleaze is the result of any of Andy's input or not. Have to say I'd be surprised if he condoned any of the recent blatant conning & lack of professionalism tho. He just seems like a bloke who wouldn't be at all interested in promoting the "fly pitch" approach.
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He's selling the toothbrush that I have never seen sold for anything but £1. Sadly he resorted to the 'is that all the stock we have' while 'speaking' to someone off camera (exactly the way Russell does so Andy probably taught him that trick!) and he keeps saying if it hits £1 he'll move on but nevertheless he has indeed mentioned the P+P, noting it still costs less than a tenner with it factored in.
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He's selling the toothbrush that I have never seen sold for anything but £1. Sadly he resorted to the 'is that all the stock we have' while 'speaking' to someone off camera and keeps saying if it hits £1 he'll move on but nevertheless he has indeed mentioned the P+P, noting it still costs less than a tenner with it factored in.
Well Wirral I guess Rome wasn't built in a day & let's face it that's minor compared to the recent con jobs we've all witnessed and complained to the ASA about & had complaints upheld lol! I still haven't heard back from the ASA regarding my complaint about Mike Mason selling triplet opals as "triple protected grade A opals" & that was before Christmas. Maybe the ASA have been swamped with complaints about Bid & Sit Up as we didn't realise they have an army of disgusted viewers voicing their opinions on facebook too! Reporting their shonky selling tactics to Watchdog was also mentioned on FB. Praps that's why they've bought Andy back on this eve? The ASA may have been somewhat toothless until now but Watchdog, that's a whole different arena!
Well Wirral I guess Rome wasn't built in a day & let's face it that's minor compared to the recent con jobs we've all witnessed and complained to the ASA about & had complaints upheld lol! I still haven't heard back from the ASA regarding my complaint about Mike Mason selling triplet opals as "triple protected grade A opals" & that was before Christmas. Maybe the ASA have been swamped with complaints about Bid & Sit Up as we didn't realise they have an army of disgusted viewers voicing their opinions on facebook too! Reporting their shonky selling tactics to Watchdog was also mentioned on FB. Praps that's why they've bought Andy back on this eve? The ASA may have been somwehat toothless until now but Watchdog, that's a whole different arena!

He is a different kettle of fish to the others, a little bit of salesmanship like he uses is fine given the bigger picture.

That fella Ben is Ok too, he has mostly been on Speed Auction and has popped up on price Drop lately but sadly he dosen't seem to shift much so he'll probably go the way of the others before long.
Yes I saw Ben briefly & he seemed pleasant. I've only been watching Bid again in the last couple of months or so. I have noticed that Peter Simon's sales volumes on some of the items I've seen him sell have decreased considerably during this time. Sometimes a high seller through pressure selling and lying peaks & then the vast majority just watch for a laugh or in disbelief, (like us haha). I personally think the other presenters I've seen on both Sit Up & Price Plunge are infinately better in general than the regular, loud, patronising, gobby sharks on Bid, (note I did say in general). At least they actually research the items they're selling like the snow melt stuff & not just scare people sh*tless by talking endlessley about fractured hips & can you imagine if someone got injured on your icy path blah blah with no mention of the USP's of the stuff!
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