All I Want For January Event


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Jun 24, 2008
I'd like to nominate THIS as the most ludicrous item listed under the AIWFJ event on the shocking QVC website :bow:

Come on own up if you make your own sausages (excl butchers or Generation Game contestants) :mysmilie_13:

Anyone tempted?

I'd also like to generate sales by suggesting new "events" for QVC...howabout:

"Y in the day event"

"Is the Pope a Catholic day"

"Flogging a Dead Horse Day"
Let's see if we can conn the suckers out of anything else day

Let's be ultra annoying day

Let's have whole weekends of the same product day/s
Buzz-word Bingo Day! A full bingo card will entitle you to 2p off one lot of P&P. Why QVC! You spoil us!
I'd like to nominate THIS as the most ludicrous item listed under the AIWFJ event on the shocking QVC website :bow:

Come on own up if you make your own sausages (excl butchers or Generation Game contestants) :mysmilie_13:

Anyone tempted?

I'd also like to generate sales by suggesting new "events" for QVC...howabout:

"Y in the day event"

"Is the Pope a Catholic day"

"Flogging a Dead Horse Day"

Well it is on waitlist so clearly some people wanted it!!!!!! I'll stick to buying sausages from the deli that we go to!
Gurning day - hosted in its entirty by Marv

Shout over everyone day - Oh sorry! we already have that every day

Eyebrows have a life of their own day - hosted by SG

I'll tell you everything I love and own if you tell me yours - hosted by JF

How to fit into a size small day - hoted by Julia
I channel hopped this morning in time to hear Craig Rowe state that now you've looked after everyone else over Christmas, it's time to buy for yourself and think about you. Er, no thanks Craig, for me, and I'm sure almost everyone else, that shopping and looking after others isn't a chore, it makes me happy and I actually enjoy it, nothing (especially shopping) is all about me! me! me! and I would rather buy for others that myself, so what a selfish, ridiculous special nomination day though would have to be "does Hannibal Lecter eat meat" day, which is just as ludicrous as today's effort.
I'd like to nominate THIS as the most ludicrous item listed under the AIWFJ event on the shocking QVC website :bow:

Come on own up if you make your own sausages (excl butchers or Generation Game contestants) :mysmilie_13:

Anyone tempted?


Sorry to disappoint you Akimbo but i make my own sausages, burgers, pizza dough, bread etc, in fact pretty much everything we eat were possible and practical is organic, meat is free range and meals are made from scratch and no i'm not a Generation game contestant or some head up my A*** trendy Eco luvvie.

It's purely down to the fact that 12yrs ago, aged 8, my youngest son was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease*, now also borderline Crohn's Disease. it was a genuine hospital diagnosis, not the latest trendy fad diet self diagnosis type, that lots of people "suffer" from today. *(Gluten Intolerance)

Anybody who genuinely has this disease (not the trendy celeb version) or who knows someone who has, will tell you its the stuff of nightmare to live with in terms of diet. So as a family we all made the conscious decision that if he couldn't eat something then nor would we. I'll be the first to admit at times its been difficult, but somehow we get there. Therefore the only way we can still eat stuff like sausages, burgers, pizza, bread, biscuits, cakes etc is for us to make it ourselves, so we know exactly what's in it. Which means that in theory, if he does become ill, we should be able to easily suss out what made him ill, (note: in theory, not always so easy in practice). Also with gluten free being so trendy these days, the cost of some products is now verging on legalised extortion, so where possible, we try to make our own to keep the costs down.

Also making your own sausages and burgers became really popular after the horsemeat scandal, I know for a fact that for long enough it was practically impossible to get hold of the meat grinder and sausage making attachments for the Kenwood chef, even off Kenwood,( we needed a replacement). If eventually, you did manage to find one, the prices being charged where ridiculous.
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Selly telly novice, I'm sure akimbo was just making the point that this item isn't really something on most people's wish list as a 'treat' or indulgent item they'd like to buy themselves in the new year, rather than thinking nobody actually makes their own sausages :)
If only the All I want for January Day would give us : less hard sell and more objective facts about the products!!!
If only the All I want for January Day would give us : less hard sell and more objective facts about the products!!!
Exactly so. My biggest bug-bear which also holds me back from buying more is the lack of hard fact and detail. Over the years I've realised that often, especially electronic stuff, the items are an earlier model about to be superseded by the new model with more bells & whistles. Is the lack of info a ruse to hide this fact ?
A what the viewer truely madly deeply want day

A we will show you how we train the presenters to a piss poor standard day

A we will show you how we sit around the tea room and think up ideas to really p the viewers off day

A we will show you the 12 year olds who run the IT department day - will have to be during school hols though

A we will do a kiss and tell about other presenters day - now we would all watch that one
Sorry to disappoint you Akimbo but i make my own sausages, burgers, pizza dough, bread etc, in fact pretty much everything we eat were possible and practical is organic, meat is free range and meals are made from scratch and no i'm not a Generation game contestant or some head up my A*** trendy Eco luvvie.

It's purely down to the fact that 12yrs ago, aged 8, my youngest son was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease*, now also borderline Crohn's Disease. it was a genuine hospital diagnosis, not the latest trendy fad diet self diagnosis type, that lots of people "suffer" from today. *(Gluten Intolerance)

Anybody who genuinely has this disease (not the trendy celeb version) or who knows someone who has, will tell you its the stuff of nightmare to live with in terms of diet. So as a family we all made the conscious decision that if he couldn't eat something then nor would we. I'll be the first to admit at times its been difficult, but somehow we get there. Therefore the only way we can still eat stuff like sausages, burgers, pizza, bread, biscuits, cakes etc is for us to make it ourselves, so we know exactly what's in it. Which means that in theory, if he does become ill, we should be able to easily suss out what made him ill, (note: in theory, not always so easy in practice). Also with gluten free being so trendy these days, the cost of some products is now verging on legalised extortion, so where possible, we try to make our own to keep the costs down.

Also making your own sausages and burgers became really popular after the horsemeat scandal, I know for a fact that for long enough it was practically impossible to get hold of the meat grinder and sausage making attachments for the Kenwood chef, even off Kenwood,( we needed a replacement). If eventually, you did manage to find one, the prices being charged where ridiculous.

I have never eaten burgers, hated the feel of mince in my mouth and have been a vegetarian for over 20 years. Hubby eats some meat but if he wants a burger has always made his own.

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