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Absolutely right. My main issue with the whole trans rights thing, is that, if anything, it has led to an increase in misogyny. It seems it's fine to put biological women down, but not men who identify as women. As an older woman, and therefore in the often considered irrelevant group, menopausal/post menopausal, I become angrier and angrier at the erosion of rights my generation fought so hard for; at the same time as a minority, a very aggressive one, gets to define what being a woman means. The fact that JK Rowling, among others, receives death threats for actually pointing out the difference between being biologically female, and "identifying" as female, is beyond appalling. I don't care what people "identify" as, but don't erode my rights, and don't try to take away my voice. And ffs, let's have an end to the complete illogicality of the pronoun "they", which is self-indulgent rubbish.
