I totally understand. Trans people's health journey is extremely difficult. One thing about sex versus gender that gets edited out is that your birth sex will influence your health risks for life. A male to female trans person needs to be aware that the health risks of being born male isn't as easy to leave behind as a dead name. And not enough is known about the differing risks of transitioning before or after puberty to be certain that risks of male-specific conditions lessen due to taking oestrogen. Likewise in the opposite direction.
I am leaving out the even more complex issues that intersex people face.
Trans women need to educate themselves about what risks the female hormones they take open them up to, as well as keeping current with the risks they would face as a born male. Trans men have the same situation.
Health care in both cases needs to be able to be offered on the basis of sex at birth and current gender identity if they are not to be at a major disadvantage.
I think the whole discussion has become warped and destructive in wider society, with militant trans activists shutting down any legitimate concerns about the pace and direction of trans rights as transphobia. We need to be able to air all concerns and address them rationally to support women, men, trans women, trans men, as well as intersex people.
When it comes to children transitioning, there are still big questions, as the brain matures at a different rate to the body and decisions made at a young age that cannot be undone should never be rushed into. It is heartbreaking to see tomboys convinced by adults and peers that they are trans because it's such a live issue going down an irrevocable path when the whole process of puberty is about extremes caused by hormone surges affecting body, brain and emotion.
I saw a documentary years ago about the catastrophic effect the routine use of anabolic steroids in sport in Iron Curtain countries leading to some of the girls having no choice but to transition from female to male. Suppressing female puberty, and promoting male characteristics by dosing girls with anabolic steroids should have remained in the past. There have to be better ways of supporting kids through mental and emotional distress to give them time to make decisions they can live with without regret.
QVC need to leave gender identity issues well alone. This isn't like sleb merching, social media influencer trends. It drastically affects the wellbeing and entire lives of people involved. Q are just jumping on the latest trends, as usual.
Sorry for yet another lengthy post!!
And I know that leaving a dead name behind isn't always as easy and quick to do, nor is it pain free.
And can I say this forum is doing what I hope wider society could do?