Adina's claims


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Registered Shopper
Mar 9, 2010
Hi everyone,
I have been a member for many months and an avid reader of this forum for over 2yrs and enjoy all the banter and tips given. I made a promise to myself weeks ago if Adina mentioned again when auctioning tanzanite that a 1.6ct tanzanite went for over £3000, then i would post my query.

I am sure the 1.6ct tanzanite was beautiful [or i hope so], but how can it have sold for £3000 when they always say tanzanite is at the most £1000ct, surely the idea of gemstv and other jewellery channels is that gems are sold cheaply and as they say 'get a valuation' and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I know Adina spouts some right corkers, but i think someone at gemstv should tell her to shut up.
I hope the person who bought the 1.6ct tanzanite received a valuation of over £3000, because if they didn't and Adina is reminding you everytime she presents tanzanite then i would be really pi**ed.

Anyone heard her claims.

Thanks for listening x
I think it makes gems tv look like rip off merchants. Some poor so and so had to pay £3000 pound but you get it for....

I know what you mean about Adina too, they all tend to tell fibs, but she is the worst by a mile. To be honest I can't watch her. I find her really annoying, especially her determination to talk untill her lungs run out of air

I heard Sarah Bennett say last night that Steve was training the presenters. That must be a job and a half for Adina.

Perhaps Steve should start by telling her that buying a £150 ring is not a "lifetime achievement".
I'd be very interested to see what sort of "training" they get if Steve is doing it himself. Does anyone remember the loose gems fiasco where the computer was supposedly running amock and dropping prices too low. Steve kept on and on about losing money and of course people were rushing in to grab what seemed to me some very mediocre gemstones. Eventually the chat room was becoming hysterical, with wails of "ooh don't do it Steve, stop now, blah blah, wail, boo hoo". I've never seen such a ridiculous shopping telly hour in all my life and it was proof to me of the gullibility of his customers. So will we have a lot more of this nonsense to look at.

Also his very strange way of comparing gold prices. Choose four shops at random and work out an averahe gram cost on wedding bands. He well knows that this is scientifically a nonsense way to average, and that each maker prices in different ways for different reasons so some can be more exoensive for, say, simply the name. Plus of course different overheads, some posher packaging than others, some better paid staff than others. Far too many variables to make this mathmatically acceptable.

I'm very fast drifting away, tired of being bawled at like some kind of an idiot, and clinging on by my fingernails to a habit that it hard to break. Do I, or anyone around me, need any more jewellery. With the exception of very special pieces which I won't get here anyway - no.

Do I, or anyone around me, need any more jewellery. With the exception of very special pieces which I won't get here anyway - no.


Yes Meeeeeeeeeeeee :giggle: but I agree I haven't been tempted at all recently and TJC seem to atleast make me buy or even look!!
Yes Meeeeeeeeeeeee :giggle: but I agree I haven't been tempted at all recently and TJC seem to atleast make me buy or even look!!

There's always one exception, you'll still be buying it even when you're having to dig holes in the garden to keep it in.

Hi Nutsella

just read your post, can you tell me when this happened, because i can't seem to find it. I have gone through all of Adina's figures and can't seem to locate the auction. If you can tell me, then i will look at the recording and find out what happened.

Regarding the price comparison of gold, i do feel it is a very fair comparison, in-fact we are just about to conduct another survey next week, so if anyone has any views on how to make it even more reflective of the prices of gold in the general market then please let me know. What we basically do is go to a High Street, pick three well known stores (not big expensive brands). We buy plain gold bands from three different stores. We then add the till receipts of all three stores and then add the gram weight of the rings, this then results in an average price per gram for plain gold rings. This is how we do it and the methodology of how we do it i have talked through with the Chairman of the Assay Office and he believes it to be a very fair comparison, but i do welcome everyone's opinions.

Hi Steve,

Perhaps it's because I'm a scientific mathematician that I find your method improper. For me the only way to do it correctly is extremely arduous starting with the raw material (in this case I think finished 9ct grain/sheet/bars would be fair) and working out the costs/profit margin between that and final point of sale for all shops including chains and sole traders and both manufacturing and non-manufacturing. Your system cannot be called the High Street average, but merely the average between the three/four shops of your choosing. I hope this isn't gobbeldy-gook. xxxxx
Hi Nutsella

Were you referring to a lorique design? The ring could be made up of diamonds and tanzanite hence the £3,000 price tag. I must admit that I find this presenter very hard to watch with the sound on.

Sorry I disagree with your comments about gold comparisons and getting them endorsed by the assay office is a big so what! And how does that fit in with you guardianship of said assay office!
If find it boring when this gold comparison is constantly repeated. 5 years ago is was nouvelle today You run a business as do jewellers, you have different costs points. Why not treat the viewers with intelligence and just sell your jewellery instead of this
Hi Nutsella

Were you referring to a lorique design? The ring could be made up of diamonds and tanzanite hence the £3,000 price tag. I must admit that I find this presenter very hard to watch with the sound on.

Sorry I disagree with your comments about gold comparisons and getting them endorsed by the assay office is a big so what! And how does that fit in with you guardianship of said assay office!
If find it boring when this gold comparison is constantly repeated. 5 years ago is was nouvelle today You run a business as do jewellers, you have different costs points. Why not treat the viewers with intelligence and just sell your jewellery instead of this

Hear hear, and what's with the old bike? Not the presenter silly, the bike/scooter beside the sofa (indoors!). (Apologies to Sarah C - only playing). xxxxx
Tho old bike is my late grandmothers and I have kept it in doors every day since she passed away.


I don't think we need to hear about gold price comparisons full stop, i buy a ring because i like it not because i'm getting a bargain on the gold, why do we even need to be constantly told about high street prices when we don't buy there anyway?
Tho old bike is my late grandmothers and I have kept it in doors every day since she passed away.



Crikey Steve! Well it beats my scoot (of the 4-wheeled variety, although I doubt any of my grandchildren love me enough to keep it indoors as a memento - lol) but I'll bet you're glad she had a different taste in vehicles to that of Chris Eubank. xxxxx

For those readers who don't know what I mean:-


  • motoring-graphics-2_813494a.jpg
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I don't think we need to hear about gold price comparisons full stop, i buy a ring because i like it not because i'm getting a bargain on the gold, why do we even need to be constantly told about high street prices when we don't buy there anyway?

Yeah, i agree, i think if you are going to spurt out rubbish about gold price comparisons the only comparison you can give is the scrap value. NOT an over inflated retail value. retailers don't sell gold JUST on the weight as we all know, so why use it?

to my knowledge, an i am probably wrong here, but the scrap value for 9 carat gold is about £8. if you are selling it for that then its worth a mention, otherwise please stop patronising us.....

Hi Nutsella

just read your post, can you tell me when this happened, because i can't seem to find it. I have gone through all of Adina's figures and can't seem to locate the auction. If you can tell me, then i will look at the recording and find out what happened.

Regarding the price comparison of gold, i do feel it is a very fair comparison, in-fact we are just about to conduct another survey next week, so if anyone has any views on how to make it even more reflective of the prices of gold in the general market then please let me know. What we basically do is go to a High Street, pick three well known stores (not big expensive brands). We buy plain gold bands from three different stores. We then add the till receipts of all three stores and then add the gram weight of the rings, this then results in an average price per gram for plain gold rings. This is how we do it and the methodology of how we do it i have talked through with the Chairman of the Assay Office and he believes it to be a very fair comparison, but i do welcome everyone's opinions.


Hi Steve

i notice you chose to ignore the post which criticised your selling techniques by argey??? if you are going to get these presenters some much needed training i hope you will be attending also.
I can't stand these presenter who think i am so stupid that i believe there has been some sort of 'computer problem' shouting that "It shouldn't have gone that low should it?" or "flipin' eck take advantage of the one" for gods sake i'm not that thick !
I don't think we need to hear about gold price comparisons full stop, i buy a ring because i like it not because i'm getting a bargain on the gold, why do we even need to be constantly told about high street prices when we don't buy there anyway?

Summed up my thoughts exactly Cherub. I personally find it irritating and waste of time them constantly reminding us of these gold weight comparisons. They never induce me to buy a piece based on that premise. For me its the whole package....gemstone / setting / design / general appeal and final price....absolutely nothing to do with what Samuels etc may be selling a plain gold ring for!

Also on a similar theme, so many rings have a very low gold weight.....below 2gms.....sorry but I wouldn't touch em with a barge pole!

Apologies for going off topic, but to add my pennorth's worth I do find Adina very very repetitive, its the same spiel
and vocabulary every time.......not a personal criticism, just a professional one.

NB Perhaps Matt could do the training as he's the top of the list of presenters....imvho....:nod:
Hi Nutsella

just read your post, can you tell me when this happened, because i can't seem to find it. I have gone through all of Adina's figures and can't seem to locate the auction. If you can tell me, then i will look at the recording and find out what happened.

Regarding the price comparison of gold, i do feel it is a very fair comparison, in-fact we are just about to conduct another survey next week, so if anyone has any views on how to make it even more reflective of the prices of gold in the general market then please let me know. What we basically do is go to a High Street, pick three well known stores (not big expensive brands). We buy plain gold bands from three different stores. We then add the till receipts of all three stores and then add the gram weight of the rings, this then results in an average price per gram for plain gold rings. This is how we do it and the methodology of how we do it i have talked through with the Chairman of the Assay Office and he believes it to be a very fair comparison, but i do welcome everyone's opinions.


Hi Steve,

I have heard
this comment made by Adina on a number of occasions, that a 1.6ct tanzanite went for £3000. I personally don't know when that auction took place or what it was, if you speak to Adina she will be able to clarify when that auction took place.

The last time Adina made this claim that a 1.6ct tanzanite sold for £3000 was last night [11th Aug]during an auction for which she was selling a lorique 5.82ct approx tanzanite and diamond ring sold for £1,500 or £1,600

My reason for my original post was surely common sense should prevail when presenting, and that for me it doesn't make good business sense that a company like gemstv who pride themselves on selling jewellery at competitive prices allow their presenter to continually makes a statement that does not seem a bargain.

Dear All

First up, Tanzanite (set in a piece) typically sells for £300-350 per carat AND this can be less the bigger the gems goes. This is for a very very good high quality Tanzanite. So £3,000? No chance unless you're paying Tiffany prices for exactly the same size/carat weight/clarity/colour saturation that you could get from, say, TJC. Also, the price of Tanzanite has plummeted recently so to say somebody has bought for £3,000 may be true but then it's hardly the "norm". Everybody can pick one inflated piece that has sold to somebody with more money than sense but to then sell this as a comparison is highly msleading.

Right, that's that rubbish out of the way.

Onto the gold comparisons. Totally agree with Argey. You cannot reasonably compare with High Street prices because each store has different overheads, profit margins, buying power, whether the piece is bulk made, cast, handmade etc. For the amount of gold in RocksTV pieces it's also insulting to compare to anybody. Perhaps add in some decent gram weight AND sort out the dreadful dire accent diamonds and there'd be a decent comparison. In all honesty, however comparisons make companies look cheap. Most people do their homework. They know how much they can buy something for and if they don't, they only have to get on the internet for 5 minutes. Perhaps you can tell by the strength of feeling in this thread that comparisons aren't a good selling technique?
Also steve could you have an oxygen tank next to the desk for Adina?. she clearly runs out of it towards the end of each sentence.
Hi Steve,

Perhaps it's because I'm a scientific mathematician that I find your method improper. For me the only way to do it correctly is extremely arduous starting with the raw material (in this case I think finished 9ct grain/sheet/bars would be fair) and working out the costs/profit margin between that and final point of sale for all shops including chains and sole traders and both manufacturing and non-manufacturing. Your system cannot be called the High Street average, but merely the average between the three/four shops of your choosing. I hope this isn't gobbeldy-gook. xxxxx

I think that is what they do say, at least when they run the VT of the actual comparison by Sarah. I'm sure you are right in saying that to reach an accurate comparison of value for money, you would have to take all of those other issues into account, but that's different to comparing one single aspect which in this case is selling price.

I'm not a mathematician but do run my own business and am very conscious that some clients are interested in price alone, others are interested in value for money, which doesn't mean the lowest cost. So I just see this gold price comparison as a fairly blunt method of comparing one factor with competitors, I certainly don't see it as something to criticise in terms of methodology and I don't think that the company tries to present it in any other way.

At the end of the day though, I buy the jewellery if I like it and can afford it and think it's good value for money and as long as i don't feel that the retailer is making misleading statements and I don't in this case.

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