I agree - What planet? The wealthy and I'm talking wealthy will have that sort of money to spend, but I very much doubt whether they'd bother themselves watching QVC. I have no problem with them wanting to sell high end products - just so long as they genuinely are high end products (not crap with high end prices - Yep Marla Wynne, you know who you are) what I object to is suggesting that people buy such expensive goods in multiples as if it would be "rude not to". The viewers can see what's on offer and decide for themselves how many they're going to buy - It's unnecessary and very irresponsible. They know how gullible some of their customers are, they only have to look at Qurio to see that - candy from a baby! They also know how much postage Q charge, so buying every top in every colour could possibly set you back as much as £30 alone. When they say "I'd buy every colour if I were you" I'm sure they actually mean it, it's all in the "If I were you bit". What they're really saying is we know you're a gullible lot, I mean I wouldn't pay £30 to get 5 flimsy tops delivered in 5 plastic bags bundled together with a lacky band, but you would - Go for it!