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  1. mr jones


    In his lickle caravan
  2. mr jones

    18th June: Have we all forgotten?

    Tumbleweed response says it all I'm afraid
  3. mr jones

    SCS using music

    You need to get out more :happy:
  4. mr jones

    colour change andesine

    From what I read natural colour change Andesine is pretty rare and suspicion is that "natural" in a lot of cases means treated by irradiation etc. I have seen alleged colour cahnge Andesine over a carat on sale in the US for less than $100.
  5. mr jones

    Presenter shouting at 4am!!!!!!

    Now that I undestand cos Gems sends me to sleep tese days unless they are screaming, of course
  6. mr jones

    Presenter shouting at 4am!!!!!!

    I can't believe you bothering to watch at 4am Graham! :giggle:
  7. mr jones

    Morganite Fading!!!

    Sorry but it does - not usually as badly as Kunzite but "Evening Stones" are famed for this unfortunate property.
  8. mr jones

    An unrepairable ring mount full of air bubbles

    Looks like a Christmas cracker toy! :wonder:
  9. mr jones

    hands up if you think some Gems TV staff are putting strange threads on here?

    I am Spartacus and am bored rigid by Gems
  10. mr jones

    Another VERY BAD price comparison

    London Blue Topaz ring tonight - 7 carats lump or so in flimsy gold shank. Start price of over £900! Topaz is like quartz. It's a white uninteresting stone -cheap as chips and treated and flogged as Swiss, London or Mystic . Nice shiny stone but £900? You're having a laugh. :giggle:
  11. mr jones

    Old Gems jewellery has disappeared

    Goodbye to value, decent products, integrity, fun and customer service it looks to me. :down:
  12. mr jones

    LOL Peter Simon Born in 1948 as alleged here is more like the truth :puke:
  13. mr jones

    Not only not only not only - LIES!

    Peter says "good luck if you get them" - perhaps he has little faith your purchase will work or not fall apart? :grin:
  14. mr jones

    LOL Peter Simon

    Best laugh all week (month and year!) lol :mysmilie_378:
  15. mr jones

    LOL Peter Simon

    Nasal avalanche! :envy:
  16. mr jones

    Not only not only not only - LIES!

    This tat £10 statuette made of resin is a lovely lifelike Angel which is not only is the radiant life of the home, not only the guardian of your family, not only the rainbow shining of iridescence, not only the warmth od the Universe - it's really lovely and will grace any home - we really...
  17. mr jones

    Not only not only not only - LIES!

    Nah he's a fair target as his once fresh and original wacky sense of humour has become hackneyed and rambling twaddle alas.
  18. mr jones

    Not only not only not only - LIES!

    Peter Simon has just announced that sterling silver is £30 a gramme! That after claiming that there is a crystal company called Sarowshki (sic) etc etc etc. God bless him, I know he's old and confused but how long can he make his rambling assertions about products which are pure invention a lot...
  19. mr jones

    Who's to blame?

    More purchase cards than you can shake a stick at in this house but none for many months. All the charm and variety that Steve's enterprises had in their many forms has gone. What's gone wrong? It's gone all bog standard and the Managing Directors have opted for the mass "appeal" quick turnover...
  20. mr jones

    Martyn Parker

    Big Issue?