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  1. M

    Skin Pharmacy

    "It took a Swedish scientist 15 years to develop this" So Skin Pharmacy, registered to a semi-detached house with an A-reg Volvo outside on Google maps. The owner of the site and Skin Pharmacy previously ran a Burrito Kitchen & a lap dancing club. Well, you can now work for Skin Pharmacy...
  2. M

    Moet&muffins - Mike Mason

    If I had a friend who worked on Bid saying the things he does, I'd say "Hey Mike, you come out with some bollocks on that BID don't you? They must be paying you a tonne mate" and I'd be a bit embarassed.
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    Moet&muffins - Mike Mason

    I ummed and aaghed about making this thread but I really feel this is important. I don't care if you are Mike, Medina, RG , his mate, work for Bid or indeed are just a punter. I appreciate you know Mike but to jump to his defence in every situation, in virtually every thread that mentions his...
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    Bid Twitter

    Anyone follow any of the presenters or helpers on Twitter? I get the impression many of them are desperate to be far more honest on there than they are on TV :grin: I'll give @SallyJacks1 her due, she does respond to negative comments and seems to have faith (if a little midsguided) in the stuff...
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    It's funny - when people leave an obvious clue normally (M&M and always posting in threads about Mike Mason) it's almost like they want to get discovered :blush:
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    Hmmm. I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but here's some posts by this user. "It's not the presenters that charge the p&p but the channel bosses. It's a bit harsh to blame the presenters for a company decision. They just go on and do their jobs. :-(" "Steveh31 I think the only people that...
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    The *Find an actual bargain* thread

    By that I mean something that with postage and the phone call, is at least the same price as is readily available elsewhere, preferably less. I feel it will be a quiet thread!
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    Klaus Kobec

    In fact, looking at their history, they appear to fold every few years and then re-appear. It's times like these I really do wonder why Bid don't buy decent brands and sell them as cheap as they can. Being a home for all the junk, bankrupt, liquidated stock to flog is not something I'd want my...
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    Klaus Kobec

    Watches being sold on Bid as we speak. The company went into liquidation in May owing around £60,000 to creditors. Worldwide famous successful brand of course, though :dull:
  10. M

    Newbie, I'm sure an old post!

    I'm reasonably new to the bid channels - I'm yet to buy anything, but it's my go-to outlet when there's nothing else on :) I'm sure regular viewers will recognise lots of things like this, but having watched for a few weeks some things really...I was going to say irritate me, maybe not...