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  1. J

    Peter Simon Contradictions

    Get on the phone and have a buy, just have a buy 🤣
  2. J

    Gem Collector Prices

    Some items on Gumporia not as good quality as Claires Accessories
  3. J

    Random musings and general banter.

    I hate it when a presenter says I have fought to get you a special price for this item, its the lowest price yet. The same item on the sister channel earlier in the day was same price
  4. J

    Gabbling presenters

    Jill Franks talks over everyone and talks mostly about herself
  5. J

    Are their product is as good as they say ?

    All my grandmother used was ponds cold cream and had lovely skin
  6. J

    Why is presenter Natalia so shiny?

    I can't bear to watch Natalia on TJC beauty (aka Ideal World) she is so shiny. Why is nobody telling her.