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    Peter Simon Contradictions

    As the title says - Peter Simon has made many, probably hundreds, of contradictions, and that's just with his life. Shall we see if we can get into triple digits? 1. He's been working "in whatever this is for" over 20 years? Neigh on 30 years? Over 30 years now? Just shy of 40 years? 2. The...
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    Random musings and general banter.

    I've noticed this for a few months now, but Peter seems to have a quantity of 68 of a lot of things 🤔🤣 Caught me off guard with the airfryer tho, as they had 78!
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    Not Only…

    We used it as a drinking game. Every time he said "Muriel", "ok" and "alright" we'd have a shot. Didn't last long when a couple months back "okay so Muriel's in, Christine's in, Muriel you'll love this alright. Okay...." Couldn't have kept up or we'd have cleared out a bar in an hour!
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    Random musings and general banter.

    Must be R Bet
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    General Banter and Random Musings

    I'll give my 2 pennies worth. Either Alex isn't telling us the full truth, or he's been taken in with Simon's lies. The reason they are down is because of the unexpected price increase to broadcast on Freeview? This is likely the biggest contract Simon has signed to date, and one of the...
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    General Banter and Random Musings

    What I can't understand, is that Simon created a post on this forum about the channel launching. More than happy to do so. Since then, he has left Alex to do the rest. Personally, with it being a small business, I'd have thought Simon should've been the one providing updates? I imagine Simon...
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    Random musings and general banter.

    Hi everyone! I used to be a regular poster on here back in the bid tv days and watched Peter from 2004 onwards. I rarely watched selly telly after 2014, but switched into Peter a couple of months ago. Lost for words. I've been reading posts on here, and what he comes out with just makes me...
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    Random musings and general banter.

    I'm not here to stick up for any presenter, but if they say to a customer they don't need it but it is only £20, surely thats better for the vulnerable than saying its a life or death product?
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    who sells the most?

    The presenters who r Are regularly on between 5-9 will sell the most. Presenters on weekday mornings wil be the least. Best sellers when most viewers.
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    Ideal World Stock Problem SOLUTIONS!

    Just make the presenters use a different method than using time pressure tactics. - if they really did sell out of everything half way through, they are only making 50% of their profit potential and the buyers should be sacked. I can't see any proper wholesaler buying from IW. .
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    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Unfortunately it all goes into the bin the second they go off air - while roasts too! When I was there it was for health and safety reasons, unsure if there is another underlying factor. - Also, I was told they used to be able to eat it, then changed.
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    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Yes, 2 monitors 1 showing live, one is a preview. These are rolled on the floor and not autocue style
  13. B

    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Director will say something like "going to 1.... 1 in vision" So they know what camera is next, and when it is on. Red light is there too. When I was there, they had 1 monitor (like an old tv) and the floor manager would move it as necessary.
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    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    According to him, they hired him after the fire years ago, as he was the best for the job. :mysmilie_17: - That's a question...what do you lot think of the work experience people? They seem to have loads. No offence with your answer, it was 6 years ago for me! Apparently I was the first work...
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    Behind The Scenes... Anything and everything you want to know

    Is Steve Dovey still head of H&S? I remember he said that I "bullied" him into giving me a place for work experience!! aha
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    1 Week until bidtv relaunch

    First post on here for a while! They have said now on twitter that they are postponing the start date by a week...Im sure they will keep putting it back, until they finally say it isn't going to happen
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    Amazing Recipe Book With BlockBuster

    Genevive is promoting the "amazing recipe books" which are sold with the blockbuster blender. So many great much would you pay for this on the highstreet? This isn't a cheap book. It might be good not to spell "Eton Mess" as "Eaton" then :mysmilie_17:
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I will have to get Graham onto that one for me :mysmilie_59:
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Just remember... a retail store may tell 1 customer 1 thing to get a sale, and another customer something completely different. - The same item (tablet) and sales pitches could be used. It's just that shopping telly you can see both pitches. It's also funny how you had to use Mike's pitch as...
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    That's any retail medium for you