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    Jess Foley

    Not been here for a while as I felt it had gone from a bit of banter, which I freely admit I joined in with, to just perpetual nastiness and spiteful comments about prtsonal appearance. It seems to have got worse.
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    Alternative jobs for presenters

    Got to be honest, as a larger person I find all the personal comments about Jake's weight a little unnecessary. Presenting abilities (or lack thereof), knowledge, relationship with the truth, yeah, fair game, but am I a lesser person, destined only for a life as a sumo wrestler?
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    Jade Troth is back

    Afghanite. What nonsense.
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    Gemporia accounts - predictions?

    Yep, it is why there are random presenters and directors
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    Gemporia accounts - predictions?

    All staff meeting.....
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    Katie Elliot

    That awful malachite advert just makes me laugh. I don't know what Kati is trying to achieve. She is generally an attractive woman, but that styling and that pout does not do her conk any favours whatsoever.
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    Katie Elliot

    Now I like Kati, but she does seem in danger of disappearing up her own behind, which would be a real shame. The pout is getting silly and those nails were lovely when they were natural. Now they look plastic.... And horrible
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    Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!

    It's making me cross. Have a bowl of all bran every morning. Save yourself £100 quid
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    Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!

    Steve Bennett really should not be able to say the things he is saying on the TV. Currently he is maintaining that his kids have scarlet fever as they are too young to take his probiotics
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    Enough is enough.....

    I agree, I can only recount my lived experience, but Primal's prebiotic has been life changing for me. Genuinely. I have tried everything to deal with my digestion problems and this is the only thing has worked in my 40 odd years of trying!
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    Kimbie vs Destello

    Ok, so that made me laugh😂
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    Primal Products

    I can't bear the Steve shows. Everyone fawns over him like he is some kind of deity. I was on the (deranged) Facebook group for a while and there were elderly ladies putting topless photos of him on there and practically salivating and saying phwoar... Was gross. I am scarred for life
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    I was never a fan of Lynn. But then when she started on about the angels, which in my personal opinion is preying on the grief of others... I turned off whenever she was on.
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    Enough is enough.....

    Angelina has just said "Kyanite is a derivative of Nilamani"..... No pet, they are the same thing.
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    Lyndsay ...

    It was on last night. A new piece from Tara Coomber. Had a video from her accompanying. It isn't the argentium pieces like before. I was surprised they would take lovely work with a unique selling point by a silversmith (supposedly) then whack chappy midas over it.
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    Lyndsay ...

    I'm not sure this is correct. It was a 99999999.99% silver piece (she exaggerated the 9s) from Tara Coomber that came in either plain or midas. It was on last night. Not 925. today's version is a similar thing but with hearts and spades
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    What would make you buy from Gemporia again?

    Good God, I wish someone had not pointed out that revolting coughing by Adina. It is now all I hear, no attempt at basic manners such as covering her mouth or saying excuse me. Just full on open-mouthed coughing, mid sentence, right down the mic. Gross.
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    Ludicrous Prices

    My reservation is about the comments on her regularly showing the how to buy video. Maybe she does need regular breaks. I'm not making comment on any mistruths etc, that clearly is not acceptable by any presenter
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    Gemporia still sinking

    It is those awful carousels. I cannot believe anyone would want that in their home. The candle is pretty enough in your home if you like that sort of thing (I don't) for a tenner.... But spinning gold leaves above it? Tacky in the extreme. In my opinion 👀
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    Ludicrous Prices

    I also don't feel the vitriol for Dave Troth. He's alright. But then I also like Hattie, so it is horses for courses. I also feel a little sorry for Ellis. She is 60 and I think some of the things said about her are a bit unnecessary. That said, I really like Toby. He just makes me laugh. I...