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  1. B

    My goodness, Ophelia fancies herself

    Whenever she is on I have to switch off.. I got 30 seconds of her trying to pronounce accentuate which came out as assentuate. If there is a long word in the description of a product you can guarantee she can't pronounce it. She once said on a gardening show that she didn't know that plants had...
  2. B


    Watched QVC yesterday where the presenter described a skin tight vest as skimming over the body & would not show any lumps or bumps. What???? It was skin tight. Do these presenters think that customers are daft. Maybe they have to fill in time so they spout any inane drivel even if it's untrue...
  3. B

    I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......

    Totally agree. She;'s just ticking a box for ITV so now they are offering her any programme despite her not being suitable. She'll never be as good as Paul O Grady. In fact she's more likely to scare the vulnerable animals in Battersea with her booming voice & grating cackle.
  4. B

    Meet the presenters

    Presenters used to have their past experience on their bios which was more interesting. However it seems that when they recruited not long ago their bios were changed to hobbies. When they are employing somebody with no experience are they now dumbing down to make them feel more comfortable...
  5. B

    Alison Young

    Agree, Jilly & Catherine both look much slimmer. There is some slim secret going round QVC. Maybe she'has the help of an image consultant because her clothes seem much more flattering.
  6. B

    Stop talking over the BA Alison!

    I switch off when she comes on. Always predictable, talks over BA's, all genders mentioned & I don't trust her sales patter after buying products which are not fit for purpose.
  7. B


    Would never buy anything these "Z" list celebs endorse as it's purely about the money not the product, especially skin care or perfume. The skin care makes me laugh because the "celebs" are usually botoxed up to their hair follicles or they've had the face lift.
  8. B

    Stop the belts

    Why are the models adding belts on shirts & dresses when the customer wants to see the flow & length of these items? I choose not to buy when this happens because of possible returns. Surely the BA would want to show the outfits in their natural design or maybe it's the models who request to...
  9. B

    Mature models

    I like the older models providing they suit the style given. My bugbear is shirts which are tucked in when you want to see the length & tops or dresses where the arm area is covered so you can't see if the shape of the arm hole is fully covering the shoulder.
  10. B


    Hate to say but I have to switch off when Ophelia is on. She can't pronounce long words & when on a gardening programme once she expressed surprise about feeding plants. Not realising that plants can be fed. That's just one faux pas among many.