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  1. D

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    I reckon the 2023 accounts will show a starker/clearer view of what's going on there.
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    Gemporia's Biggest Problem

    One of the main reasons I left (and others too).
  3. D

    If Gemporia wants to survive...

    It could be for various reasons, but it's not the first time they've filed after the due date.
  4. D

    Destello Angeline jacket.. thoughts?

    It all comes from India/China and no different to what you see on the market. Considering the amount returned by customers to the warehouse and currently sat on the shelves, that speaks volumes. Personally Hattie isnt a favourite of mine, she always sounds like she has a cold and can't breathe...
  5. D

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    I can concur with all this. Essentially they hoped the success of selling during lockdown would continue, but the total opposite happened. Townieland I think I might know who you are, but good luck in your new ventures as a fellow ex-gemporian! ;)
  6. D

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    Share ownership does not necessarily equate to having voting rights, as there are different classes of shares eg A, B & C (which is not unusual).
  7. D

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    Correct, some do. Although how often, I can't say.
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    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    I still know several people there and also some that have either jumped ship or sadly been let go. Some say the atmosphere is awful and some say there's a good air of change under Steve again now. I just hope they shake things up and continue trading as there are lots of fantastic people there...
  9. D

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    Not failing, more like feeling the pinch of tough conditions (both sales and costs) and having to take steps, like many other companies currently I guess?
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    Steve & Sarah back at Gemporia

    From someone who works there currently.
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    Steve & Sarah back at Gemporia

  12. D

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    I used to work there. What would you like to know?
  13. D

    Destello and Modal

    Warehouse is full of the stuff so I hear.
  14. D


    If you believe she (and other presenters) buy even half of the overpriced tat sold on Gemporia they claim, their homes must be full to the rafters. Slimming tights and home cleaning earlier today at primetime. Such a sad joke of a channel now. Smacks of desperation.